-New- Mods post

Oct 19, 2010 19:05

Hello! ♥
These are your new Sugarquill Mods being all lovely, and charming and intelligent.
Ok, stop laughing :P As we were saying, we are your new SQ mods (Noelia and Maaike/ sickle_girl  and maaiker ) and we are here to stay until the next term comes around :). We are both really excited and hoping we will all have a great time -and you won’t hate us-

  • We have new tags!
    That’s right. Just as the written work has tags such as “drabble” “poetry” “ficlet” “fic” as well as rating tags, we have decided to create tags for art. Now you can add the following tags to your entries “doodle” “sketch” “elaborated sketch” “finished” “traditional” “good” “very good” “excellent” “photomanip” “digital” “mixed”. We hope this new tags we’ll make it all easier for everyone to look up on some excellent fanart :)
  • We have also added Collaborations to Fan Art!
    What’s a Collaboration? It’s when two (or more people) work together on one piece. Just like co-authored fics, Collaborations fanarts will be split between the members who took part in (50/50). The collaboration will appear in one entry submitted by any of the members and should have the artist tags of all the collaborators. This will be instead of the Art Beta.
  • We are now working on a tutorial page :D
  • We are also working in an updated guide for Art rating :)

    And we have cookies, um, we mean, prompts!
  • October prompts ♥ [This is Halloween] feel the ~creativity~
    Drabble Challenge #83: What's like to be a ghost.
    Length: Any

    Ficlet Challenge #56: Halloween at the Dursleys
    Length: 150+

    Fic Challenge #92: Wizards clash into a muggle Halloween party
    Length: 200+

    Poetry Challenge #56: Potters last Halloween.
    Length: Any

    General Art Challenge #87: Scary HP creatures asking for Trick-or-treat

    Specific Art Challenge #24: Teachers and students decorating the castle for Halloween with ~magic~.
    Medium: Digital.

    Banner by pointblankdarcy  <3.

Lots of love,
Maaike and Noelia!

!mod post, !challenge post

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