Title: Empty Promises
serpenscriptPairing(s): Severus/Harry
Word Count: 5,199
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Non-con, slash, AU, canon to mid DH, violence, sexual themes.
marauderswolfSummary: Severus Snape is summoned to Malfoy Manor after learning of the trio’s capture by the snatchers. He is prodded by the Dark Lord to torture his prior student and nemesis’ son. Will Severus’ conflicting emotions get in the way of the trio’s escape from the Manor?
Written for the 2010 round at
hp_prisonerfest Empty Promises (Linked on my LJ due to the rating and explicit content.)
5,199x30= 173.3 (173 points for Father Gryffindor!) Yay for the rollover rule thingy!