1 Ficlet, no challenge

Oct 02, 2010 23:18

Title: The Alternative
Summary:Hermione and Ron, during Harry's alleged death in DH
Characters/Pairings: Ron, Hermione, Ron/Hermione
Genre: Romance/Angst
Rating/Warning:Pg-13 for hints of violence
Word Count:461

When she thought about it, Hermione wasn’t sure how long Harry had been gone for. Not until she heard the chilly voice announcing “Harry Potter is dead” did she even begin to wonder where he’d gotten to.

She didn't have time to think. In the rush to get outside she felt, rather than saw, Ron pull away from his brothers and grab her hand.

“Do you…is it true?” she asked, all too aware of the foolishness in such a question considering they’d been keeping vigil beside several corpses, one being his own brother, for goodness knew how long.

“Dunno.” Ron said, his voice sounding strange. “I've got to think he had something planned but…I dunno. Look, we’ve got to-”

“Nagini, I know.” She started. “Ron…”

And then there was Hagrid and she saw the figure in his arms and she heard herself cry out, but she didn’t know what she was saying. Ron was screaming too, yelling at Voldemort, provoking him and she was scared, more than she’d ever been. Dimly, she saw Neville walk forward, but not before he looked significantly over at them. Ron had paused his yelling now, they all had in the shock of it of it all.

“What is he…?”

“Well, maybe he knows what he’s about. Harry could have...” He trailed off, his hand squeezing hers so hard it hurt before he continued. “Let's just keep our eyes open. The snake, then Him. Quick as we can through the Death Eaters.”

She was still straining to see what Neville had got up to, fearful for his life. Absently she asked “You’re not going to try some nonsense about me staying back?”

Ron chuckled a little. “One doomed battle a day is enough for me, thanks. Though it would be nice if you didn’t die. Don’t think I could take that on top of everything.”

“Same here.” She shivered.

“Hermione…” he started in a choked voice before she cut him off.

“If you tell me you love me now, Ron Weasley, I swear I will throttle you. That's a death sentence.”

He grinned. “I was gonna say I’m a bit hungry, actually…but thanks for the sentiment.”

“How can you joke at time like this?” she cried, rounding on him. Only then did she see how wet his eyes were and how weird that half smile on his face looked as he shrugged.

“Think of the alternative.”

And then there was the fire and the shine of Gryffindor’s sword as all hell broke loose. There was only time for a quick squeeze of a hand, not even another kiss, before they were pushed into the hall and the fighting began.


15 points for Gryffindor!


character: ron weasley, form: ficlet, creator: cyshobbitlass, rating: pg-13, character: hermione granger

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