Fic, no challenge

Sep 30, 2010 00:06

Title: Flashback
Summary: I wrote this after book 5 was out, but before 6 so pardon the ... inconsistencies. Hermione and Ron are dating and Harry just wants his old friends back.
Characters/Pairings: Hr/R, H/O
Genre: angst
Rating/Warnings: PG?
Word Count: 784

“Harry! Wait!” Hermione yelled chasing after her friend.

He ignored her and ran even faster. Her long gown presented her with a bit of a disadvantage.

“’Mione, let him go.” Ron said coming up behind her. He placed a hand on her shoulder. “Let the rule drop. I don’t think we could stop him if we tried.” He slid his hand down to her hip and began to turn her.

“But I did try.” She turned fully to face him, eyes wet as if tears would roll down her cheeks at any second. “He’s changed so much!”

“Or did we?” he hugged her gently, comforting her. “Either way, change takes time. Just let him catch up.”

Hermione nodded, letting a single curl drop out of place. They walked back into the Great Hall, the noise of the festivities greeting them and pushing the event slowly aside.


Harry raced up the steps, glad he was out of sight before the tears flooded his face. Why does it hurt so much when they’re so happy? I fell so alone. It’s not even a girlfriend that I want, it’s only my friends. I just want my old friends back. I feel so distant dealing with everything myself. Ron’s a prefect. Hermione is Head Girl. All I have to take up my time is Quidditch. By the time he had walked back to the Gryffindor Common Room, he had regained full composure. He had also vowed to show no feelings anymore.

Passing through the portrait, he was speaking to himself. “Even at work… I bust my ass. I don’t ask for anything special, just a chance. Humph - can’t even bloody well have that.” He hit the wall with his fist in pure aggravation. “That’s it. I give up.”

“Well then.” A male voice said. “That’s not something my Seeker would have said.” He put down the book he was reading. Sitting in a chair near the fireplace the older man smirked.

“Oliver!” Harry was shocked. Not only at the fact that someone was here, but who it was. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh, my cousin is a first year Hufflepuff. I was just planning to spend the day, but the weather got bad and Dumbledore suggested that I stay the night.”

”Heh. “Suggested” my ass. More like demanded.” Harry walked closer to him.

“Why the negative words Harry?” Oliver stared at him lazily, yet with the same intensity he always had.

Harry sighed heavily. Slowly pacing, he felt compelled to explain himself and told of work and his friends. “I just don’t get it. I don’t want a girlfriend. I want something more.”

Oliver nodded as if he had been in the same spot himself.

Harry felt himself redden as each moment passed. Sure, he and Oliver had played Quidditch together, but they never had been that close. Something made him want to bear his soul though. “I dunno, Oliver.” He shook his head. “Something is missing. I’m not seeing the one vital piece.” He hung his head, hair falling over the edge of his glasses. “It’s like everything I love and touch turns to shit. It’s just not worth it anymore to care.”

With no sound as warning, Harry suddenly found himself being embraced.

“Not all the answers habe to be found inside yourself. And if your friends here cease to be the answer, you’ve friends elsewhere who can pick up the burden when you are weary.”

Oliver’s words touched Harry. Not just the point that Oliver would go out on a limb this way, but he was so embarrassed that he never focused on it himself before. Harry unexpectedly found himself crying again.

“Sssh. You’ve no need to be sad.” Oliver hugged him tighter.

“It’s not sadness.” Harry shook his head and picked it up. “It’s anger that I let this happen.” The sense of compassion from Oliver overwhemledhim. “Thank you,” he said. Leaning forward, Harry took all of his courage and gathered it into one movement, and kissed Oliver gently. When he drew back Oliver didn’t appear shocked. Nor had he lessened the hug. Instead, the older boy smiled.

“Figure it out yet?” Oliver’s smile broadened slightly.

Harry looked at him. “What? … How did you figure it out?”

“Doesn’t matter. What does is that I did know. I’m just a little surprised it took you so long.”

“I know.” Harry looked down slightly. As he began to speak again, he looked into the graduate’s eyes. “I’ve spent so much time trying to figure out why I’m not like them, that I forgot to be proud of what I am without them.”

Oliver smiled broadly. “Now that is the Seeker I know.”

What an unexpected gift. Harry thought. Figuring out who I really am. He felt Oliver kiss him and finally found that piece of him that was missing.

784/30=26 points for Gryffindor

creator: klef, character: ron weasley, character: oliver wood, character: hermione granger, character: harry potter

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