Drabble Challenges 7, 17, and 57

Sep 19, 2010 14:22

LOL all the 7s were unintentional. XDD

Title: Bugs
Summary: Harry had to make his own fun as a kid, sometimes. (Drabble challenge #7: someone deals with bugs)
Characters/Pairings: Harry, mentions of the Dursleys
Genre: gen (a bit of angst)
Beta: none
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: drabble
Word Count: 100

Harry spent a lot of his time outside.

He liked the garden in the backyard best; he spent hours there, playing in the dirt. He'd find worms and tiny flower roots, and sometimes, he'd find bugs.

He'd be careful not to crush them, letting them crawl over his skin. Aunt Petunia would have a heart attack if she saw him, but he knew he was safe, since she never really checked on him, as a mother would do (Aunts worried far less than mothers).

He liked the bugs. They tickled his skin and reminded him that he wasn't so small.

Title: Changes
Summary: Andromeda wants Dora to be a normal girl. Dora is not a normal girl. (Drabble challenge #17: Nymphadora Tonks, humor)
Characters/Pairings: Andromeda and Nymphadora Tonks
Genre: gen/humor
Beta: none
Rating/Warnings: G. My lame attempt at humor (though this one happened to turn out to be 100 words without editing, I'm very happy about not having to cut anything ^.^)
Medium: drabble
Word Count: 100

"Do you have everything?"

Mum was fussing again, making sure her bags were all packed and that she hadn't forgotten anything, and that her hair was all one color, instead of violent blue underneath like it had been yesterday.

There was the whistle of a train beside them; it was time to say goodbye.

"Yes, Mum," Dora answered, rolling her eyes.

"Remember, be good, try not to trip over anything, and for Merlin's sake, no more animal faces."

"Yes, Mum."

On the train, she made her hair blue and green, and the children applauded and cheered.

Showed what Mum knew.

Title: Key
Summary: A pivotal moment in Remus and Tonks' relationship (Drabble challenge #57: image of dangling keys on ribbons)
Characters/Pairings: Remus/Tonks
Genre: het/romance
Beta: none
Rating/Warnings: PG, kinda sappy
Medium: drabble
Word Count: 100

The first present Tonks gave to Remus as his girlfriend was a key on a loop of ribbon.

Remus kept his face carefully neutral as he lifted it from its box, examining it.

"It's been dangling from a hook on my wall for ages," she explained, "I thought, maybe..." She faltered slightly, "if you want to..."

"It's a key," Remus said, a strange look on his face.

Tonks nodded slowly. "It's a key...to my front door. If you want it."

He placed the key back in its box and turned to her.

She swore their kiss lasted for hours.


300 / 30 = 10 + 15 bonus points = 25 points for Hufflepuff


character: remus lupin, *challenge, rating: pg, rating: g, creator: ladybubblegum, character: nymphadora tonks, character: harry potter

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