Drabble Challenges # 6 & 46

Sep 12, 2010 16:31

Drabble Challenge # 6

Title: Last Moment
Summary: Young!Harry was used to being treated well.
Characters/Pairings: Harry Potter, Dudley Dursley, Petunia Dursley
Genre: Angst
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/ T,
Word Count: 438

3 year old Harry Potter smiled at his ‘Awnt Putunee’ and she smiled sweetly back at him. He gave her one last look before he stood up from his sitting position and walked unsteadily toward his cousin, ‘Duddy’.

Duddy saw him coming and grinned before laughing out loud. Before Harry knew what was happening, Duddy stoop up and wobbled toward the stairs. He climbed up and yelled loudly, “Hawwy’s slow! Hawwy’s slow!” All the while going up.

Frowning, Harry clenched his chubby fists. “Duddy’s unfwar! Unfwar, unfwar, unfwar!” He chased after Duddy quickly and when he got to the sixth step, he paused in mid-step to the seventh stair. He felt it, he felt the feeling of himself tipping backwards. Before he knew it he was falling. His aunt shrieked, toppling her chair over as she ran to the bottom of the steps, trying in vain to catch him.

In his 3-year-old mind, Harry knew that this feeling was supposed to be bad, but he felt free. Like he was flying. He landed on something soft and at first he though it was his Aunt Putunee but then he saw Awnt Putunee fear-striken face staring at him from above with surprise. There was this look in her eye that confused Harry. It was like she didn't like him anymore.

“Aunt Putunee?” Harry whispered, sitting up. His aunt visibly shook her head and called for her husband to keep Dudley in his room. In the room that Duddy and him shared.

She grabbed his hand and brought him to the place where they always ate. The dining room, his aunt called it. She made him sit down, a bit more force that usual. Harry looked at her as she sat down too. “Awnt Putunee? What’s wong?” He asked. His aunt sighed and did’t answer him. She watched him the whole time as they waited for his uncle. Harry struggled not to cry as he knew that Uncle Vewnon didn’t like that. Crying was for girls, he said.

After a few moments of silence, his uncle finally came in. “Petunia, what happened?” He asked, worried. he glanced at Harry as if he knew what his wife was going to say,

His aunt gave his uncle a look, “He… He’s like his parents.” His uncle gasped and turned to Harry. He gave the 3-year-old an accusatory look and Harry’s lip quivered even more. What did he do wrong? He just fell.

His uncle murmured something to his aunt and she shook her hand. “He’s just a boy, Vernon!” Her husband have her a look and then glanced at Harry disdainfully.

“But he’s not a normal one.”

Drabble Challenge # 46

Title: A Better Surprise
Summary: Sirius Black came all the way to tell his godson he was alive and this-this Lady won’t let him in.
Characters/Pairings: Sirius Black, James Sirius Potter, Fat Lady
Genre: Family
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 (for curses only)
Word Count: 754

“What the actual fuck.” Sirius murmured. He groaned as he felt somebody poke his arm. “Fuck off.” He groaned and tried to sit up. Where was everybody? What happened to the Death Eaters? Was his Harry okay? He better be okay. "Mr. Black! How wonderful to see you moving and well again. Do you want water? Or perhaps you'd like some fire whiskey?" A man, a Ministry official probably, said. Sirius blinked and turned to face that man. They both stared at each other before Sirius cracked. "Do I know you?" He finally said, his thoughts filled with his grandson and the Order of the Phoenix.

The man smiled, "Oh no. But I know you and that's what's important. Now, come with me. We have to make a report." Sirius shook his head. "Oh no, I'd rather not." Sirius muttered. The smile came right off. "You have to." he said sternly. Sirius' eye twitched, "But I don't want to."

"Mister Black, I'd have to press charges if you don't." The official said dangerously. Sirius grinned at him, reaching for his wand. When he finally found it, he laughed and said, "Then press charges!" He gave a fancy twirl with his wand before disappearing, an ironically white lettering in the sky that said, 'Seriously Sirius'.

The Ministry official growled, sending a Patronus to the head of the ministry. Fuck his life.


Sirius laughed as he ran up the stairs of Hogwarts. Holy shit, he felt alive. He couldn't wait to tell Remus the trick he just pulled. But first, he had to check on Harry. He bumped into someone on the way to the Gryffindor tower. He fell to the floor, grunting a bit. His eyes narrowed when he realized it was Draco Malfoy. "What the fuck? You better watch where you're going! Daddy can't always protect you Malfoy." He didn't wait for an answer from the blond. What he didn't notice was that 'Draco' was wearing a red and gold scarf.


"Cheese, dog, cake, rabbit, apple, wand, wingardium leviosa, plant, professor Dumbledore, war, Snape, animagus--JUST LET ME IN ALREADY!" Sirius yelled at the Fat Lady. She sniffed disdainfully, "Correct password please." Sirius glowered at her, "Do you know who I am?" At that moment, he realized that he was still on the run. Oh shit, he was still a 'criminal.' Why wasn't she reporting him then?

"Yes, in fact I do know who you are! You're probably doing this as a joke! Polyjuicing as Sirius Black, you are." The Fat lady said, turning away from him. Sirius' jaw dropped. "Polyjucing? I'm the real thing you--!"

She raised an eyebrow, "You're a very good actor. But no. Password?" She said. Sirius twitched and was about to ask her how he was supposed to know the password now. Before he could though, another voice answered the Lady. "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers." Sirius turned towards the voice and almost double-taked. The Fat Lady smiled at the boy that looked like Harry, but didn't at the same time.

"James Sirius, how nice of you. Before you go in, can you please report this man pretending to be your father's godfather to someone?" The Fat Lady said, smiling sweetly at the boy she called James Sirius.

James Sirius turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow. "You do know that Sirius Black is dead, right?" He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Sirius blinked, "Excuse me, but I'm pretty fucking sure I'm alive." The boy narrowed his eyes, "Right. Then who is James Potter to the Marauders and what did he contribute to the Marauder's Map?" He asked quickly. Sirius rolled his eyes, "It clearly states in Section 3, paragraph 8 that a Marauder is not allowed to reveal Marauder secrets unless agreed on by another Marauder." He said, giving this 'James Sirius' his best who-do-you-think-you-are? look. He helped make that book.

The boy gave him a surprised look, "Amazing. The Book of Marauders have only be shown to Albus and I." He said. Sirius narrowed his eyes, "And who showed it you?" He asked. Dear god, did Remus just leave it lying around? How could he?

James Sirius raised his head up high, a proud smirk on his face. "Harry James Potter, my father." Sirius' jaw dropped. "HE HAS A SON?" He shrieked. James smiled at him. It was kind of a sadistic smile actually. "Sons and a daughter actually." He said nonchalantly. Sirius stared at him, and before he knew it, he tipped backward and everything turned black.

And this is: 50 points for Gryffindor! :D

(# 6= 14.6 15 +5= 20
# 46= 25.1333333 25 +5= 30
20 + 30= 50)

Just wondering, if in the word count it says "100 or less"/"100", it can't exceed 100 words? :o Because I exceeded for both.


character: james sirius potter, character: vernon dursley, genre: angst, form: drabble, character: sirius black, character: petunia dursley, character: dudley dursley, character: fat lady, rating: pg-13, creator: baterina_1234, character: harry potter

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