2 Drabble Challenges

Aug 20, 2010 09:54

Drabble Challenge #27
Title: Neville goes to Hogsmeade
Rating/Warnings: PG
Characters/Pairing: Neville Longbottom, Harry Potter
Summary: Something unexpected happens

It was a rare occasion for Neville to be alone with Harry. Ron had been sick and Hermione was busy studying, so Harry had asked Neville to accompany him to Hogsmeade.
“Harry, I’m here!” Neville announced. As Harry turned around he screamed.
“Nevile… You’re missing half your body!”
Neville looked down. “Oh crud.”
“You out to go back before it gets worse,” Harry suggested.
“Oh, right.” Neville replied as his body became completely invisible.
“Bye Neville.” Harry said, and immediately after, a rock hit him in the head. “NEVILLE! I WILL GET YOU FOR THAT!” Actually, it beginning to hailing.

Drabble Challenge #22
Title: Romantic Dinner
Rating/Warnings: PG
Characters/Pairing: Tonks, Remus
Summary: It's time for dessert...

“Darling, what a beautiful view,” Tonks said as she stared into Remus’ eyes. And it was a beautiful moon. It was a long time since the two of them had time for themselves, and Remus had planned a special dinner by the moonlight for two. He had cooked a steak, and even set up a rose petal trail to the patio where the meal was.
“I wanted tonight to be special,” Remus replied.
“It is. I love it,” Tonks replied with a smile.
“And now that dinner’s done… It’s time for dessert… Upstairs!” Remus said, and got slapped by Tonks.

100/50 = 2+5 = 7
100/50 = 2+5 = 7
Total = 14 Points for Gryffindor


character: remus lupin, *challenge, form: drabble, character: nymphadora tonks, character: neville longbottom, creator: sylvir, character: harry potter

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