(no subject)

Aug 20, 2010 01:04

Title: Rah Rah
Summary: A look at the Ravenclaw Quidditch Locker Room!
Characters/Pairings: n/a
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 480

It is really no surprise that the Ravenclaw Quidditch Locker Room is full of blue and bronze. The walls are blue with accents across them as well as pennants from previous seasons when they won the Quidditch Cup. There are even a few animated pictures from prior players who went pro at one club or another. There are pictures of previous years teams which are cheering on the current players and telling them how wonderful their season or game is going to be and how they will certainly bring glory to Ravenclaw House. Moves they had invented were also displayed on the walls above the lockers.

There are the traditional seven lockers, each set for the style of player who placed their things in it. Their uniforms as well as practice gear remained here and was maintained by the House Elves when the players weren’t there. Naturally there was the bronzed box full of the balls and other non-padding equipment. There were toilets, sinks, and showers to boot. There were two doors for each so every player could use one if they needed it. The number adjusted each year for whatever the make up of the team was. This was particularly beneficial since pre-match nerves sometimes got the better of people and the toilets were needed desperately. Not only this it was obvious after matches they player were rather sweaty so this could be remedied right away. Plush blue towels waited for them as necessary.

Against one wall was the magic equivalent of a white board and markers. The captain could devise plans on this and then animate them to show the rest of the team plans on how they were going to attack the game. There were also a number of doodles from the players to keep their minds occupied. Typically there was scratch paper around to also play word games on since a Ravenclaw was never really at rest mentally. These rested on the blue benches that had bronze feet and bronze caps at the end. Even their beater’s bats were blue with bronze accents.

Thinking it was funny, one of the Muggle players had brought with him a cardboard cut-out of a popular actor. He played a vampire from the north… thus they kids felt it appropriate to dress him up like a true to life Viking. He wore the hat with horns and then promptly charmed it to have long flowing blond hair. Even thought there was not even the slightest bit of breeze the hair always moved. They gave him animal skins as his clothing and fuzzy boots up to his knees. Really he looked quite accurate except that he was made out of cardboard. In years after they had given him his own Beater’s Bat and charmed his face into looking like it was yelling at their opponents. He was the unofficial mascot, Stig.

480/50= 9.6+5= 15 Points for Gryffindor!

creator: klef, character: ravenclaws, rating: g

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