Drabble Challenges

Aug 19, 2010 09:10

Drabble Challenge #62
Title: Two cute girls
Rating/Warnings: PG
Characters/Pairing: Ron Weasley
Summary: Ron meets two cute girls.

Ron’s twin brothers had just entered the platform to 9 ¾, and now it was his turn. As he was getting ready to go in himself, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

“Yes, whut?” He asked as turned around. It was two girls he had never seen before. And they were cute.

“Um, what just happened to those boys?” One of them asked.

“Oh… That… That’s a secret entrance to platform 9 ¾,” He replied.

“Really?” The same girl said, and before anyone could say anything, she slammed into the brick wall. There was a sound of a crack.

Drabble Challenge #69
Title: New Pet
Rating/Warnings: PG
Characters/Pairing: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger
Summary: Harry's got a new pet

“Harry, what is that on your shoulder?” Hermione asked, as she walked into the common room.

“Oh, it’s my new pet.” Harry said as he reached a hand to stroke it’s head. “Do you like it, Hermione?”

“Um…” Hermione began, not exactly knowing how to voice her apathy for such a loud animal. Actually, now that she thought about that, she actually hadn’t heard the parrot speak once. “Say Harry, have you taught it to say anything?”

“No. He’s a slow learner.”

Hermione edged closer to the parrot and touched it. It felt cold. “Harry… It’s dead.”

Drabble Challenge #74
Title: First Day
Rating/Warnings: PG
Characters/Pairing: Percy Weasley
Summary: First day at the minister's office

“PERCY WEASLEY, WHERE’S MY COFFEE?” Came a voice from the far end of the hall. It was the Minister’s office.

“Yes, sir, I’m coming! Right away,” Percy said, attempting to juggle 4 cups of coffee in his two hands while opening the glass door to the his section’s department. “Frick,” He muttered under his breathe.

If anyone had told him this was what his first day was going to be like, he would have chosen a different department. He knew right then and there that he was never going to mention this day. Ever.

Drabble Challenge #78
Title: Dear Diary
Rating/Warnings: PG
Characters/Pairing: Petunia
Summary: First day of 4th grade.

Dear Diary,
Today was the first day of 4th grade. That boy came to the playground after school, again. The one with the disgusting black hair and shredded clothes. I hate him so much. I wish he dissapeared or didn’t exist at all!

Ever since he showed up my sister has been acting like a freak. She’s not the same sister I knew anymore. I said before, right? She can do things no one else can. And I can’t. She knows I can’t so why is she being such a freak!! God, I hate my life.

Drabble Challenge #39
Title: Trapped
Rating/Warnings: PG
Characters/Pairing: Golden Snitch
Summary: It's life.

It’s always so dark in this box. There’s not a single crack of light. It feels so suffocating. And they have me strapped down, too. All I want is freedom, but I’m forced to be trapped here in this box. They don’t care about my feelings. Ever. They think I’m perfectly happy in this box.

Sometimes I’m given freedom, but they only let me out for their own enjoyment. I must have done something wrong in my past life for them to treat me so brutally. But what do I know? I’m just a poor golden snitch. Used and abused.

100/50 = 2+5 = 7
97/50 = 2+5 = 7
94/50 = 2+5 = 7
96/50 = 2+5 = 7
100/50 = 2+5 = 7
Total = 35 Points for Gryffindor


*challenge, form: drabble, character: petunia dursley, character: percy weasley, character: hermione granger, creator: sylvir, character: harry potter

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