Fanart Challenge #37, Sailor Hermione, Sailor Pansy

Aug 13, 2010 15:18

Title: Sailor Hermione
Summary: Crossover of the Sailor Moon series.
Characters Pairings: Hermione Granger
Genre: Magical school girls XD
Beta: NA
Rating/Warnings: None
Medium: Photoshop CS4 and Wacom tablet

Hermione as Sailor Mercury. They both are the smartest and most resourceful even tho they're socially kinda awkward <3

Title: Sailor Pansy
Summary: Crossover of the Sailor Moon series.
Characters Pairings: Pansy Parkinson
Genre: Magical school girls XD
Beta: NA
Rating/Warnings: None
Medium: Photoshop CS4 and Wacom tablet

Pansy as Sailor Mars, for Mars is an eletist, snobby and fierce. This Pansy suited her, sorry Slyths for putting her in a red sailor fuku D: FORGIVE MEE

The rest of the list;
Sailor Moon Luna Lovegood
Sailor Mercury Hermione Granger
Sailor Mars Pansy Parkinson
Sailor Venus Lavender Brown
Sailor Jupiter Ginny Weasley

Sailor Neptune Sprout
Sailor Uranus Hooch
Sailor Saturn Sinistra
Sailor Pluto McGonagall

Finished (excellent digital) 75 points x 2 = 150 points for Ravenclaw
Challenge 5 points x 2 = 10 points for Ravenclaw


form: art, *challenge, creator: maaiker, character: hermione granger

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