2 Ficlets {one for Challenge #11} + 1 Drabble {Challenge #59}

Aug 07, 2010 01:42

Title: Red & Gold Tie {Part 2}
Summary: Things were a lot more interesting before Voldy died, but Fred & George cure Harry's boredom | PART ONE
Characters/Pairings: Fred/George/Harry
Genre: Smut
Beta: Word
Rating/Warnings: R - smutty smut
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 555

( read more...) /fake cut cos of smut 

Title: This Day {Drabble Challenge #59}
Summary: Lily and Lorcan fit in better in the muggle world.
Characters/Pairings: Lily Luna Potter // Lorcan Scamander
Genre: fluff-ish
Beta: Word
Rating/Warnings: PG, maybee
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 100

Lily smiled happily, her guitar hanging behind her back as she and Lorcan bounded down the beach. It was getting late, nearly dusk, and they were supposed to be home by dark, but Lily didn't really care. She honestly never wanted this day to end. Taking a seat on a log that was one of many surrounding a yet to be lit for the night fire pit. Lorcan released her hand and sat opposite her, picking up his camera.

"Play something," he instructed, lifting the camera lens to his eye. Lily obliged, sliding the guitar around and tipping her head, smiling.

Title: The Puff's Common Room {Ficlet Challenge #11}
Summary: A description of the ultimately amazing Hufflepuff Common Room (you know you're curious)
Characters/Pairings: n/a
Genre: Description
Beta: Word
Rating/Warnings: G! lol no we don't have dirty smex things all over the place
Medium: Ficlet
Word Count: 500

There are many sides to any common room, the Hufflepuff one especially. Since the range of students in the Hufflepuff house is so diverse, the common room is also very . . . diverse. In one direction there is the stained glass window that Professor Dilys Derwent had put in as per request of a group of persistent Hufflepuffs. Underneath said stained glass window is a water fountain requested by all the cat lovers of Hufflepuff in 1926. The fountain consists of a cat head spouting out water into the pond below which, not so ironically, has a few fish in it. No one really knows who is feeding these fish, but as long as they stay alive, we're not too worried about it. (Hermione suspects it's the house elves and thinks the puffs should do something nice to say thanks). Surrounding the fountain is a little area marked off by stone cinder-blocks, just too keep student's things from getting splashed by the fish. Students are welcome to sit here if they so please, but there is a splash warning involved. A large rug bearing a decorated 'H' and the Hufflepuff colors sits in the midst of the room. In another direction upon entering the Hufflepuff common room you would see a more elegantly decorated corner. This area has eloquent chairs and a very supple leather couch for the more spoiled elegant Puffs. Above the very fine furniture is a poster of the Hufflepuff 'flag'. The hufflepuff flag was designed by a male Puff in 1930, and then signed by all the students that year before it was hung up in the common room. Every year the puffs plan to do another amazing thing like this, but it has yet to actually happen. They've been really busy with their studies, after all, in the opposite corner of the Hufflepuff common room there is a very large fireplace which almost always hosts a healthy fire, even late in the night when there are very few puffs still working their way through that night's homework. This corner houses many many yellow, and very comfortable, bean bags spread around for comfort with a few low sitting tables for the student's books, parchment, and ink. Directly to the left upon entering the common room there is a beautiful statue of a bear that was added to the common room in 1937 by a rather well carpenter in the Puff house. The last corner of this rather large common room house the floor to ceiling windows, another larger fire place, a mini library, and worn, comfy sofas to lounge in in the midst of all that. Above this second fireplace hangs a metal shield with the Hufflepuff emblem painted (But most likely spelled) onto it. Chandeliers hang from the ceiling all over the room, keeping it lit where the fire doesn't quiet reach in the late hours of the night. All in all, the Hufflepuff common room is a wonderful place to learn and live.

11 + 7 + 15 = 33 points

form: drabble, character: george weasley, rating: g, creator: katelynelaine, character: lily luna potter, character: hufflepuffs, character: fred weasley, form: ficlet, character: lorcan scamander, rating: r, character: harry potter

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