Fic: The Importance of Fashion Accessories (no challenge)

Aug 05, 2010 21:13

Title: The Importance of Fashion Accessories
Pairing: Harry/Neville (very brief and at the beginning), Harry/Draco (preslash)
Rating: R
Era: ‘8th year’
Genre: humor
Word Count: 1100
Warning(s): none that the rating and pairings don't indicate
Summary: Draco sees something unexpected that opens up worlds of possibilities. What is at first awkward turns promising.

Author’s Notes: For leo_draconis , in celebration of her birthday. We were discussing this tweet by Matt Lewis recently, and it inspired this little ficlet. There is a sequel, but it won’t be up for a couple more days. Much thanks to laliandra for the quick beta.

The Importance of Fashion Accessories )

Khas // Ravenclaw

1100 / 50 = 22 pts

creator: khasael, character: draco malfoy, genre: humor, form: ficlet, character: neville longbottom, rating: r, character: harry potter

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