All Challenge, Drabble 80, Fanfic 7 and Ficlet 25

Aug 03, 2010 20:53

Title: Quidditch
Summary: Selecting the Captain
Characters/Pairings: Oliver Wood (understood)
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 98

"Listen, I don't care how accomplished he isn't. He comes to practice. He gives it his all every day all the time. He's more professional than half the reserve team. There really isn't an option. It's Oliver Wood, that's your only choice for United at this point."

The manager thought on this for several minutes while the air grew heavy with indecision. "And you're entirely sure this won't go to his head?"

The trainer nodded. "One hundred percent. He did it before in school. If nothing else, he'll push the rest of the team to be better.

"Done." The manager smiled.

98/50 + 5 = 7

Title: What?
Summary: Sirius looses one of his lucky socks (Prompt: A single sock, moonstone, a phrase in a language other than English.)
Characters/Pairings: Sirius, James, Remus
Genre: Gen
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 384

“Oh bollocks.” Sirius sighed.

“What’s wrong now?” James tipped back in his chair while his shaggy hair fell over his eyes.

“Those ruddy House Elves just HATE me!” He held up a single sock as if that would explain everything.

“Because they ate your sock?” James cocked his head and pushed the chair back and let it float across the room. He’d previously charmed it to float and he was enjoying it entirely too much.

Sirius glared at his fellow Gryffindor. “Oh come off it you lug. This,” He waved the sock around violently as if that would change the matter, “Is ONE of my lucky socks. One. Do you know what that means? They destroyed the luck I had going. It is almost time for Hogsmeade and Marlene McKinnon was supposed to go to Madame Puddifoots with me. You think I can go without my mojo?”

“Wait wait,” Remus peeked out from behind a book. “Are we talking about socks or your sex life? I don’t particularly care about either, but at least I can sympathize with only one sock.” The brown haired boy laughed, hiding his newest scar behind the book he was reading.

“Oh REALLY, Mooney. This is not the time for laughing. Every time I wear this pair something good happens!”

James chuckled. “Well, maybe now every other time you wear that one something good will happen.”

Sirius glared with such hatred it could bore a hole into James. In a moment of rage he picked up a moon stone and lobbed it at his floating friend, hoping the chair wouldn’t change trajectory. Lucky for him, it did no. James was hit square in the gut and sputtered falling off the floating chair entirely. “Serves you right,” Sirius crossed his arms, preening.

“It’s just like that Muggle work about Hell.”

James rolled his eyes. “If you’re going on about literature again, I’m leaving.”

“Laciate ogne speranza voi ch’intrate.” Remus smiled broadly.

“NO! No I’m done. Time out. Let me leave. I hate these discussions and I know it.” James stood, tossing the moon stone onto Sirius’ bed and promptly stalked out of the room.

“Really, Remus? Did you have to scare him away?” Sirius glowered.

“Well I could have let it go, but it’s 3:05 and Lily will be in the common room in minutes. That’ll cheer him up in moments.

“You dirty dog.”

384/50 + 5 = 13

Title: Christmas for the Castle
Summary: Pairings crack
Characters/Pairings: Hogwarts Castle/anyone (in this case Benjy Fenwick)
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 333

Everybody knew that Hogwarts Castle had a mind of its own. They knew that Rowena Ravenclaw had enchanted the staircases to move randomly and without warning, often trapping an unsuspecting first year in an awkward position. The true sentience of the castle, however, was really only guessed at by those who stayed over Christmas Holiday. Benjy Fenwick knew this first hand. A sturdy Hufflepuff in his Fifth Year, his Muggle parents were going on a cruise to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Due to the fact that Benjy had absolutely no desire to go, they had all decided it was best he stay at Hogwarts for that time.

Benjy first noticed something was odd on about day three. He finally was used to the castle being quiet. There was no bustle but it retained that warm feeling that it always had. Snacks would appear in the Common Room and many nights Benjy sat in the plump yellow chairs staring into the fire. That third day, however, he found it odd that though the windows were all shut tight, there always seemed to be a little breeze. Heading up to the library to meet one of the Ravenclaws he had class with, the curtains seemed to all but follow him about. It was as if the material caressed him as he walked by. The cord ropes would grasp at his wrists and even the chairs would move toward him while he was sitting.

Of course he couldn’t say anything to anybody, that would be absurd. The beds were the most interesting, however. No matter how cold it was outside his bed was always toasty warm and he never used magic to heat it. The sheets would cradle his body and draw him into their warmth. Certainly this was all in his head. There was no way that Hogwarts could truly care for all its inhabitants in such a manner. Perhaps though this is why he felt it the strongest when most of the students were gone.

333/50 + 5 = 12

(94 from previous)
7 + 13 + 12 = 32 (only 31 to count for points)

character: remus lupin, character: sirius black, rating: g, character: benjy fenwick, creator: klef, rating: pg, character: oliver wood, character: james potter

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