Drabble, Challenge #2 & #60

Aug 02, 2010 23:44

Title: Pain
Summary: Percy dealing with Fred's death
Characters/Pairings: Percy & Fred Weasley
Genre: Angst
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 77

He couldn’t believe it. His brother was dead. He was so annoying to me thoughout my life, I never got to appreciated how wonderful he was. He knew how to make other people laugh and loved being around the people he loved. It just kills me that he died and not me. From the last few years, I have been a total twit towards my family and it pains that is the way we have to reunite.

Title: Who doesn't love me?
Summary: The Fat Lady is very narcissistic today
Characters/Pairings: The Fat Lady, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter
Genre: Comedy
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 100

It’s so easy being me! the Fat Lady thought. I’m so charming, lovely, amazing fashion taste and I have a voice like an angel.
“You got to be kidding me!”
“What do you want child?”
Ron countered, “We have been standing here for ten minutes telling you the password!”
“Could you please let us in?” said Harry.
The Fat Lady responded, “Well, I just changed it.”
The boys yelled, “WHAT?!?!?”
“What is it?
The Fat Lady giggled, “Tell me that I’m beautiful!”
The two boys glared at her and grumbled, “You’re beautiful…”
“Thank you!” she smiled and let them through.

77/50=2 pts, 100/50=2 pts
2 challenges: 10 points
Total: 14 points for Gryffindor

*challenge, form: drabble, rating: g, character: percy weasley, character: fat lady, character: ron weasley, creator: los_york, rating: pg, character: harry potter

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