3 Ficlets//No challenge

Aug 01, 2010 22:54

Title: Wedding Day
Summary: Dari and Jeremy get married.
Characters/Pairings: Jeremy Pitt & Dari Davison (OCs)
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Beta: none
Rating/Warnings: G. No warnings.
Medium: Written word.
Word Count: 178

It was a quiet day in June when they got married, a day that felt like it was made just for them. The sun was shining and a light breeze was blowing as they stood next to the pond where they'd made so many memories, exchanging their vows in front of a handful of their loved ones - family, friends from their younger days at Hogwarts.

They both knew she was lying when she said she didn't care that her parents hadn't come, but that didn't matter now, because Dari had never felt happier, surrounded by a new family and standing next to her husband-to-be.

Dari's eyes shone with happy tears as they slipped the rings on one another's fingers and, though he'd forever deny it, so did his.

"I love you," she whispered as their lips touched softly at the end of the ceremony and, later, as they danced their first dance as a married couple with friends and family looking proudly on, she told him today was the happiest day of her entire life.

As if that wasn't perfectly obvious.

Title: Glowing
Summary: Ed admires his girl.
Characters/Pairings: Edward McMillan and Ashleigh Barton (OCs)
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Beta: none
Rating/Warnings: G. No warnings.
Medium: Written word.
Word Count: 168

Ed wasn't sure how long he stood there watching her, noting the way her simple white dressed perfectly hugged her curves, watching the way the sunlight reflected off of her golden hair and perfectly tanned skin. Ashleigh was beautiful. Everything about her. Sometimes he couldn't help just watching her.

What really got him, though, as he watched her on the Hogwarts grounds with her girlfriends, was her smile. He watched her laugh at some joke or other Danielle had just told her and he pushed off from the tree, moving towards her and slipping his arms around her from behind as his lips brushed lightly against her cheek.

"You're glowing," he informed her and there was a certain glow of happiness in his face as well. He didn't mean to distract her from her girl time, but he just couldn't help himself. Her smile drew him in every time and he found he just had to be near her, holding her.

He supposed that's what it was to be in love.

Title: It's Not Too Late
Summary: Savannah's engaged. Bryant's feeling come pouring out.
Characters/Pairings: Bryant Sawyer and Savannah White (OCs)
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Beta: none
Rating/Warnings: G. No warnings.
Medium: Written word.
Word Count: 226

Bryant was busy with work and when Barrett asked her to travel home with him that summer, the one after she graduated from Hogwarts, she couldn't think of a reason to say no. Bry wrote at first, but his letters were short and distant and eventually they just stopped.

When she said yes to Barrett's proposal, a part did it to hurt Bryant, even though the concious part of her would never acknowledge it, didn't even know it might have that effect. She didn't want to hurt Barrett, either, and even though she wasn't in love with him, it seemed the right thing to do.

"Oh," was all Bryant said when she told him. She stared at him, clearly expecting something else and he repeated the "oh," swallowing against the lump in his throat at the thought that he really had lost her forever.

He didn't understand the glare she was shooting at him, but he barely had time to think about it before he found himself in the middle of yet another fight with her and somewhere in the middle of that he found himself screaming that he loved her. He'd always loved her, but it didn't matter because it was too late for such things.

"The hell it is," she retorted, tears in her eyes as she closed the distance between them and crushed her lips to his.

Total: 572/50 = 11 points for Ravenclaw

form: ficlet, rating: g, character: fluffy, creator: ledbylove, character: original, form: fic

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