Drabble: Challenge

Jul 18, 2010 22:49

Title: Be Prepared for Boredom
Summary: Walburga Black is bored.
Characters/Pairings: Walburga Black and Kreacher
Genre: Humor?
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 100
“Kreacher!” Walburga screeched, “Kreacher, come here at once!”

“Yes, Mistress,” the filthy house elf bowed low to the portrait, “What is it the Mistress needs?”

“I am bored. Dance for me.”



Kreacher began moving from side to side in what he must have thought was some kind of dance. Walburga did not approve and found herself more bored than ever.

“Sing for me!”

The House Elf froze, “What is it the Mistress would like me to sing?”

“Sing that wonderful Be Prepared song! You know, the one by our dear friend Disney.”

“Of course, my Mistress.”

2 + 5 = 7

*challenge, genre: humor, character: walburga black, rating: g, character: kreacher, creator: goddess_of_ice

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