2 Ficlets; 1 challenge (26)

Jul 18, 2010 21:18

Title: Toasted
Summary: Challenge #26. Sirius is hung over, and somehow manages to put more than toast in the toaster...
Characters/Pairings: Sirius Black, Tonks, Remus Lupin
Genre: Humour
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 497

Sirius stumbled down the stairs at Grimauld Place, rubbing his temples and yawning. Judging by the state of the rumpled clothes he had apparently slept in, and his thumping headache, he probably should’ve stopped after he, Tonks and Remus had finished that second bottle of fire whiskey last night. Sighing, he decided he would need several very strong cups of tea and coffee to get him through the day. Not to mention some sober up, if there was any left.
Unsurprisingly, he wasn’t the only person thinking along the same lines. Upon arriving in the kitchen, he found a very dishevelled and grumpy looking Tonks making herself a cup of coffee.
“Can you get me one too?” he asked, practically falling into a chair. Smirking slightly, she nodded, taking another mug out if the cupboard.
“I get the feeling I’m not the only one who thinks last night was a rather bad idea.”
“Too right.” Sirius mumbled, pulling himself up to get some toast.
“At least you don’t have to go to work.” She scowled, handing him a cup and leaning against the bench, taking a sip of her own. He just grunted in return. He was having trouble getting the bread out of its bag. Rolling her eyes, she pulled her handbag out of the way, scattering its contents across the bread board.
“Ah crap.” She muttered.
“Aha!” Sirius had managed to tip half the bread out on top of her things. Shaking her head, Tonks sat at the table, yawning. She’d get her stuff when he moved. Sirius pulled two soft squares up, scrunching up his eyes as he yawned, and popped them in the toaster.
“What time were we up to?”
Finishing her coffee, Tonks shrugged. “Four? Five?”
“And what’s the time now?”
“Half eight. And you’re out of sober up, you git.”
“I’ll make some with Remus today then.”
“Bit late now.” Tonks stood, placing her cup in the sink, and started to pick her things out of the pieces of bread Sirius had left out. Frowning, she turned. “Have you seen my wallet? I swear it was in my bag…”
He shook his head, taking a gulp from his mug.
“Crap. Dad brought that back from Turkey for me…”
“Could be upstairs. Is my toast done yet?”
“No, its-” she froze, sniffing the air. “Do you smell that?”
Sirius sniffed, wrinkling up his nose in disgust. “Urgh. Smells like someone’s roasting a cow…”
Tonks starred at the toaster. “You Arsehole!”
“You put my LEATHER wallet in the toaster! You idiot!”
She turned the toaster upside down, shaking it furiously.
“What is going on in here?” Remus walked in, wrinkling his nose in disgust. “What’s that smell?”
Sirius was giggling drunkenly, so he turned to Tonks. “Tonks, what’s-”
“Sorry, I can’t talk now, I have to get my wallet out of the toaster.”
Remus looked back at Sirius. “You twat.” With that, he slapped him over the back of the head.

Title: A Replacement
Summary: Sometimes Shoes are just what you need.
Characters/Pairings: Remus Lupin, Tonks, Remus/Tonks
Genre: Humour
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 167

“You have to be kidding.”
“No.” Tonks muttered stonily. “I need something in my life now.” She glared at Remus, implying that yes, the fact she was single was his fault, and yes, he was why she was buying all these pairs of shoes. Looking away haughtily, she pulled off the black heels, and replaced them with a pair of red converse. Smiling, she stood, jumping lightly, testing the resistance. “Rubber soles,” she said brightly. “Swear by ‘em.”
“This is just fantastic.” Remus muttered, sitting dolefully on the Weasleys couch. “Fantastic. I have been replaced. By shoes.” He eyed the converse on her feet, before glaring at the bags of boxes beside Tonks. Stupid shoes. This was all their fault.
Tonks shrugged. “The shoes don’t leave me because they’re dangerous.” She glared at him again. “The shoes love me.”
“Merlin,” Remus muttered, crossing his arms. “First werewolves, now shoes. You are the weirdest girl I have ever met.”
She looked away. “The shoes don’t talk back, either.”

Points: 497/50=9.94=10+5= 15
15+3=18 points for Gryffindor


character: remus lupin, *challenge, genre: humor, creator: native_spirit, character: sirius black, rating: g, rating: pg, character: nymphadora tonks

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