Ficlet Challenge #29 - Blindness and Desire & Fic Challenge #18 - Realizing Love

Jun 17, 2010 13:42

Ficlet Challenge #29
Prompt: Blindness and desire

Title: Eye of the Beholder
Summary: Maggie has been blind since she was 11 and wonders what she and everyone else in the world looks like.
Characters/Pairing: Maggie Warner and Brent Brody (both RP characters I play at various games)
Genre: Gen., romance
Beta: hope_guides_me
Rating/Warnings: PG
Medium: Ficlet
Word Count: 500

Brenty Brody, sixth year Slytherin, was one of the most attractive boys in school currently. Supposedly... since Maggie would never know. She'd heard other girls whispering about him in the halls or in the library. She'd even overheard them occasionally talking about his looks while lounging about the common room.

To say that her curiosity was piqued was an understatement, but she wasn't one of those blind people that could run her fingertips over something and be able to picture it for herself. That took an artistic mind and Maggie Warner was not artistic. Numbers and facts were her world and had been for the last four years.

When blind, things needed to be in order. She knew that it was sixteen stairs to her dorm room from the bottom of the staircase in Ravenclaw tower and seventy one steps from her bed to the door out of the tower. From the Great Hall to her Transfiguration classroom it was one hundred thirteen steps via a long hallway and small set of stairs. These were her facts. This was her life.

Having gone blind at the age of eleven, Maggie had no idea what she looked like now. She'd gone through puberty without knowing if she'd had horrible acne or if her hair was frizzy. In the four years since she'd gone blind, she knew that her body and face had gone through some changes. That's all she really knew. In a time like this, her first real date, it wasn't enough.

Standing there waiting for him to find her, she thought back over the past few weeks. Brent had started talking to her casually, asking her about school and then eventually about her life. She overheard the girls whispering about her and Brent. Surely he wasn't serious and this was only a pity date. Couldn't they see that?


Brent had been looking forward to the date with Maggie ever since she'd agreed to it. For some time now he'd believed Maggie was the most beautiful creature on earth. Her waist was small, her curves fantasy inducing, with hair that fell midway down her back.

It was her eyes that captivated him though. They were the most intense shade of blue he'd ever seen in all his life. They pierced his heart and soul and ultimately were the last things he imagined before bed. Sure they were slightly unfocused and when she looked at him they'd stare at a place just to the right of his. It didn't matter though. Between her intelligence, beauty, and views on life, he desired her more than anything in all his life.

He saw her standing there, looking nervous. A knowing smile crossed his lips. She had absolutely no idea how beautiful she was and that was what made her different from the all the other girls. She didn't know that she could bring a man to his knees with her smile. Stepping up beside her, Brent whispered into her ear, "Ready to make the world jealous of us?"

Sabrina//Gryffindor//15 pts

Fic Challenge #18
Prompt: Write about one character realizing their love for another character.

Title: How Could I Not
Summary: Maggie realizes that she loves Brent.
Characters/Pairings: Maggie Warner and Brent Brody (both characters I play at various RP games)
Genre: Gen., romance
Beta: hope_guides_me
Rating/Warnings: PG
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 2631

Three months. That’s how long they’d been dating. Three months and she only now realized that she really, truly loved Brent Brody. It wasn’t a logical or rational emotion. It wasn’t something she could put into numbers like everything else in the world. This was something that completely transcended everything else she ever knew.

The last three months hadn’t been easy for Maggie. In the first few weeks she’d been skeptical of the older Slytherin boy. She wouldn’t put it past some of the Slytherins to plot this whole relationship out in some way of humiliating her. So she’d been guarded. They had only went out on group dates the first few times they’d gone out after the initial one on one. The most she would let him do was kiss her chastely at the main door of Hogwarts and then eventually at the door to her dorm.

When you were blind, you couldn’t be too cautious. As time went on, he asked to start seeing her more and she finally began to really feel like maybe it wasn’t some plan to humiliate her in front of the entire school. Maggie let her mind get to thinking and began coming up with different kinds of scenarios. The most prevailant one was that Brent was only dating her out of pity. After all, what supposedly attractive guy would want to date a blind girl?

She kept her thoughts to herself, though. The last thing she wanted was to have word get out that she was self-depreciating. That would only result in more people feeling bad for her. It wasn’t like she was an invalid or anything. She had a walking cane and as long as she remembered her counting and no one moved the things too much in the common room, she was able to do things for herself.

Maggie loved spending time with Brent. The more time they spent alone together, him reading her assignments or just a novel... it made her like him even more. Eventually her suspicion of him only dating her out of pity subsided. He’d started kissing her more and far less chastely as it had been in the beginning. She didn’t think he’d do that if he wasn’t really interested in her. At least that was what she’d learned from his non-verbal admissions.

When he was happy about something, he fidgeted and she could hear the joy in his voice. If he was angry, he’d be as silent as he could be. Maggie could almost smell his moods on him. Brent always wore the same cologne, a musky scent that made her toes curl. Added to that was the smell of just him. Soap, leather, and then him... his moods. For whatever reason, it changed. He had an earthier scent when he was happy, a smokey scent when he was angry, and a spicy scent when he was turned on.

Lately, his scent was always spicy when they were alone.

Around the two month mark, Brent had told her he loved her. Stunned, Maggie forced as happy a smile as she could manage and told him she loved him too. She hadn’t though... or atleast she hadn’t realized what she felt for him. In the moment she hadn’t want to hurt him and thought the only way to handle the situation was tell him that she did too.

It had been a month since the first time he’d said. Every night as she laid awake, unable to sleep, she thought about their time together. She realized that when she was with him, she usually had a smile on her face. Maggie felt happier, more alive when she was with Brent. When he couldn’t meet her or they were separated because of class or any other obligation on both their parts, she was sad. It was as if he was the sun and she was a flower craving it’s touch.

Brent Brody had changed her. Sure, she had some down moments, but everyone did. In the last three months, Maggie had had more happy times then sad ones and she knew it was because of him. Somehow, someway, the Slytherin had slithered his way into her heart.

She wasn’t sure if he realized that today was their anniversary. It didn’t matter if he did or didn’t, but he deserved to know the truth. Having been off in her own little world, she brought her attention back to his voice. He was reading some of that Muggle author, Jane Austen, to her. His voice was elegant and she couldn’t help the smile that graced her lips as she listened to it.

“What are you smiling about, love,” Brent asked, having stopped at the end of the page.

“I was thinking about how much I love you,” was her gentle reply. Maggie turned her head in the general direction that his voice had been coming from. She heard him shift and a moment later felt the breeze he’d created when he had moved to sit with her. He lifted her legs so that they rested across his lap, as his fingers brushed over her cheek caressing her face.

“Well, that’s good because I love you quite a lot.”

“No... I mean... When I said it to you the first time, I didn’t actually mean it... or well, no, that’s not true either. I meant it, I just didn’t realize that I really meant it. Know what I mean?” Maggie smiled at him in hopes that he followed her little babble.

Brent’s scent changed from spicy to smokey. Biting her lip, she frowned. This wasn’t coming out how she wanted it. This was why she always tried to think and analyze and plan out her actions. That was why she Ravenclaw, after all.

“Love, no. Don’t get upset. Hear me out first.” Shifting her position, Maggie moved so that she could wrap her arms around his neck. She trailed her fingers up the base of his neck and threaded her fingers with his hair. Not sure how she would say it, she needed for him to have contact with her... know what she felt, not necessarily how she explained it.

“In my condition... I’ve learned to be cautious of others. There are people in both the Wizarding and Muggle world that could want to take advantage of someone like me. It’s happened before and that’s why I built this sort of wall to protect me. But then you went and wormed your way through the wall and it took me time to realize that what I felt for you was love. When you said you loved me, I felt obligated to say it back because I didn’t want to make you upset. I know now, though, that I really do love you and have loved you from pretty much the very beginning...”

Maggie grew silent and waited. Brent’s scent changed from smokey to earthy and then to smokey again, until finally stopping on spicy. He pulled her into his lap completely and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. Relief washed over her as she realized what he was doing. Before she could move or say anything else, he pulled her into a gentle, yet passionate kiss.

It was several moments before he let her lips loose so that they could breath again. “I’m glad you finally realized it then,” he whispered huskily. Her lips were swollen from their shared passion. Gently licking them, she brought her hands to either side of his face and held him there. This was the only way she could be sure her eyes were looking into his without actually seeing it for herself.

“How could I not? You’ve done so much for me in mere months then some people have done for me in years. I love and am grateful for you. Never forget that.” Maggie pressed another kiss to his lips, before sighing contently and laying her head on his shoulder. If someone had asked her four months ago if she thought she’d ever find love, she’d have told them no. However, now? Now she knew that she had the best thing in the world with Brent, no matter how emotional and irrational love could be. There were just some things that could never be explained.


Three months. Today was their three month anniversary and while he wanted to do something special for it, Hogsmeade weekend wasn’t for two more weeks. So instead he’d gone about reading her something he’d heard was romantic. One of the muggleborn witches in Ravenclaw had suggested the muggle author Jane Austen. They’d obviously been right. When he looked up at Maggie, she had a smile that momentarily took his breath away.

“What are you smiling about, love,” he asked when he finished the page. He smiled brilliantly when she told him she’d been thinking about how much she loved him. There had been times he hadn’t always been so sure she meant it, but he could tell no, without a doubt, that she did.

Moving as silently as he could, Brent lifted her legs just enough so that he could sit on the same couch as her, as close to her as possible, before laying her legs over his lap. Bringing his fingers to her cheek, he ran them down the smooth, almost alabaster, skin and desired greatly to kiss her. “Well, that’s good because I love you quite a lot.”

Before he could say anything else, he noticed her sad look. What could she possibly be sad about? Hadn’t they both just expressed their love for each other? Shaking his head, Brent finally brought his attention to what she was actually saying to him. Maggie hadn’t really meant that she loved him the first time he told her how he felt?

Anger started to fill him. Was this some kind of sick and twisted joke the Ravenclaws had concocted to make him look like a fool? Noting that she bit her lip, he was about to say something about all of it when she shifted to wrap her arms around his neck. A part of him wanted to push her back to the couch and leave. How could she try to manipulate him like this? But her fingers threaded into the hair at the base of his neck. The contact... the emotion behind her need to touch him gave him pause.

Then she continued to speak. Slowly, Brent began to relax his tensed body. He sat there silently, listening to her as she further explained her feelings. In all honesty, he’d never thought about someone wanting to take advantage of her. Maggie was beautiful, intelligent, kind... why would anyone possibly want to hurt her? However, he could see manipulative pricks trying to take advantage. It was sad, but unfortunately true.

When she’d finally quieted down, his emotions raged all over the place. Not at her. Never at her. He was angry that someone had hurt her in the past. She made him so incredibly happy just by holding his hand, let alone giving him her heart. But then she said that she hadn’t given him his heart... at least not at first, not when he believed she had. In the end, all that mattered to him was that she loved him. She loved him, knew that she loved him, and had expressed so just now.

It wasn’t intentional, but he fell completely silent for a few moments. Brent’s mind wandered back to when they’d first started dating. It had been frustrating as hell to go out on all those group dates, but he knew that it made her more comfortable. As he’d found out through some investigation, he was the first boy to show any real interest in her. Therefore she was completely inexperienced when it came to relationships and dating. So he dealt with her caution. He didn’t push or try to advance them further then Maggie was comfortable.

He remembered the first time he’d kissed more than chastely at the door to either the school or her dorm. They’d been outside, sitting under a tree. He’d been reading to her, as he often did, when she smiled at him with such sweetness and innocence that he couldn’t help himself. Brent had bent his head so that his lips caught hers. Forgetting about the book momentarily, he brushed his fingertips up over her cheek and threaded them into the hair just behind her ear. Holding her there, he kissed her tentatively until he felt her let loose. Within moments his tongue had trailed over her lips before she finally accepted and parted them for him.

It had been an incredible moment. A moment he was sure never to forget because it was then that he realized he was in love with her. Maggie was comfortable enough with him and trusted him enough that she’d let him take control. From the very beginning she’d made it clear that she needed order and control in her life. It had been the only way she knew how to deal with her blindness.

Telling her how he felt... well that was a completely different story. Brent had never told a girl that he loved her before. He’d dated a string of girls from his fourth year on until he’d finally gotten the courage to go and talk to Maggie. No relationship of his ever lasted more than a month. There was no way he could have told a girl he loved her in that short amount of time.

When he’d finally managed to get up the courage to say something, he planned it out perfectly. Instead of making a big thing out if it, like a candlelit picnic or serenading her, he decided to do it naturally. She was wearing a shade of blue that made her eyes so intensely blue he couldn’t stop staring at them. Sometimes he was glad she couldn’t see the way he stared at her... was in awe of her beauty.

They had been in the library working on their individual homework assignments when he stopped what he was doing and looked up at her. Maggie was so concentrated on her writing that her hair was twirled around her finger and her bottom lip was sucked in between her teeth. He couldn’t stop himself.

“Maggie... I...” he started. She shifted her face so that she was almost looking him straight in the eye. It was a little unnerving sometimes that she could look at him almost like she could see him.

“Yes Brent,” she asked as her eyebrow rose.

“I love you, Maggie.” It was blurted out softly, but blurted nonetheless. He watched as her brows drew together like she didn’t believe him. Then her cheeks turned a deep shade of pink. Brent wondered what she was thinking.

“I love you too,” she blurted back almost as quickly as he had. Sucking in a deep, relieving breath he sat back content. No, not content. His heart soared. Maggie Warner loved him too... but then why had her eyebrows drawn together like that.

He realized now why that had been. She hadn’t been completely sure of her feelings. The way she’d blurted it back proved what she said now. Pulling her into his lap, he pressed the gentlest yet most passionate kiss he could muster. Eventually Brent pulled his lips back from hers. “I’m glad you finally realized it then.”

What more could he say? It didn’t matter that she hadn’t realized she meant it when she first told him that she loved him. What mattered was that she really had and that she’d been completely honest about all of it. “I love and am grateful for you too, darling.”

Sabrina//Gryffindor//58 points

Total Points: 15 + 58 = 73... unless I figured it out wrong, which is quite possible.

Please comment guys! I’d love to get some feedback on either or both of these.

*challenge, form: ficlet, rating: pg, character: gryffindors, creator: sabrinag83, form: fic

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