3 drabbles, no challenge

Jun 04, 2010 09:46

Title: Summer Night
Summary: A normal night for the Potters.
Characters/Pairings: HarryXGinny
Genre: Romance
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 100

A quiet peace lay over the boy-who-lived, now the man-who-lived, and his wife as they sat together on the comfortable porch swing, Harry rocking them forwards and backwards with one foot. The children were in bed and so the parents were enjoying the night time summer warmth, pesky mosquitoes kept away by a useful spell Ginny had learned from her her mother.

"The stars are bright tonight," Ginny murmured, breaking the silence.

Harry made an uncommitted noise, running his fingers through Ginny's hair.

"Unusually bright," she continued.

Harry grinned, reminded of a conversation long ago, "I'm just glad it isn't Mars."

Title: Surprise Visit
Summary: Professor Longbottom receives a surprise visitor.
Characters/Pairings: NevilleXLuna
Genre: Romance
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 100

"Professor Longbottom!" A first year squeaked, interupting his lecture. "I saw a lady at the window...she had radishes in her ears!"

The students watched in awe as their professor preceeded to turn a bright pink, ordered them to read the next chapter of their textbook, and then raced out the backdoor. Of course, the curious first years did not heed the well-liked teachers words, but rushed to the windows to see the man flee, cloak flaring out behind him.

"He's fast," one student murmured.

There was a general wince as the woman caught up and tackled their teacher.

"She's faster."

Title: Worlds Apart
Summary: Luna's Sorting
Characters/Pairings: DeanXLuna
Genre: Romance
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 100

"Where are Harry and Ron?" Seamus asked Dean, beside them the Weasley twins were looking worried with Hermione as the first years were herded into the Great Hall.

"Maybe in detention," Dean shrugged, "Snape's not here eit-"

"Whoa," Seamus cut in, "What is she wearing in her ears?"

Dean immediately spotted the girl and she chose that moment to stare directly at him. Dean's mouth went dry. There was something about that girl... He hoped she would be chosen for Gryffindor. As McGonagall called on Luna Lovegood, Dean's world stood still, then shattered, as "Ravenclaw!" was exclaimed to polite applause.



character: luna lovegood, character: ginny weasley, rating: g, character: dean thomas, creator: goddess_of_ice, character: neville longbottom, character: harry potter

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