Fic: Little Shop of Irritations & It Got Lost in the Couch; no challenge

Feb 16, 2010 23:59

Two little drabbles that I just couldn't cut down for the last monthly activity at hih_insomniacs.

Title: Little Shop of Irritations
Summary: Fabian really doesn't help Gideon at all.
Characters/Pairings: Fabian and Gideon Prewett
Genre: humor
Beta: none
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 216

Fabian Prewett leaned against the shelf, watching as his stupidly love stuck brother poked around the sweets on the shelf in front of him. With an extremely exaggerated sigh, he stepped forward and leaned into Gideon's space.

"You realise that she's not going to like them right? Being allergic an' all?" Fabian said while pointing toward the chocolate that Gideon was holding in his hands. He grabbed the box, tossing it back on the shelf and pulled Gideon toward the exit. "What you should really do is forget her and..." Fabian was forced to stop when Gideon's hand slapped down over his mouth.

"I'm the one who actually has a bloody date on Saturday, not you. It's Valentine’s you twit! So shut your ridiculous face and help me pick something out that doesn't make my arse look stupid when I show up." Gideon narrowed his eyes at Fabian, waiting until he received a hesitant nod before removing his hand.

Fabian cleared his throat and stuck his tongue out at Gideon. "Yeah, well at least I'm not a great big git!" He grinned as he started walking backward out the door and then down the sidewalk.

"Amazing Fabian. That was so stunningly original." Gideon responded with a roll of his eyes, following him down the street toward the next store.

Title: It Got Lost in the Couch
Summary: Fabian tries to cheer up a slightly depressed Gideon.
Characters/Pairings: Fabian and Gideon Prewett
Genre: humor
Beta: none
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 223

Fabian sat back on the sofa, licking the last of the melted chocolate off of his fingers when Gideon apparated in. He jumped slightly, looking up at Gideon with wide eyes and attempted to shove the empty chocolate box inbetween the sofa cushions without being obvious. "So did you find that... thing, with the... Did you get what you went out for?" he asked in an attempt to distract his brother. He was very unsuccessful.

"I did, but now I have to go out and get more of that," he groaned, pointing at the box sticking out by Fabian's bum. He brought his hand up, rubbing at his eyes before dropping down next to Fabian. "Why do birds have to get all sappy and ridiculous about this stupid holiday. It's not even a decent one!" With a sigh he sunk lower into the cushions, crushing the empty box even more.

"But it is decent Gid, I mean really," Fabian started, trying to lighten Gideon's mood. "Just think about what you'll get out of it when the nights over." He elbowed Gideon and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, grinning like an idiot. "That's got to be a bonus right?"

Gideon groaned and elbowed Fabian back. "Just be quiet you arse. I don't need to think about all the sex I won't be getting thanks to your gigantic appetite."

p.s. can i get my author tag updated? thanks!
Points: 5 + 5: 10 points

character: fabian prewett, character: gideon prewett, creator: alwaysawkward, genre: humor, rating: pg, form: fic

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