Drabble: PG: Challenge 60

Sep 24, 2009 16:57

Title: I Feel Better Now
Summary: Walburga Black has more fun when she's alone
Characters/Pairings: Walburga Black.
Genre: crack?
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 125

“How dare you dirty my house with your filth? This is the most noble and ancient house and you are not welcome!” More screaming ensues, my eyes roll back in my head. The other portraits wake up and scream. “This is the house of my fathers and filth like you doesn’t belong. Get out, you dirty mudbloods. Get out, you filthy brats. Out of my house!” Their presence is torturing me. I think I’m drooling. Hog disgusting. Look what they’re doing to me.

Time passes. They leave. I feel better now.

“I’m a little tea pot, short and stout. Here is my handle, here is spout. When I get all steamed up, hear me shout: get this filth out of my house!”

I like it!


form: drabble, character: walburga black, rating: pg, creator: hiddengrace

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