Ficlet: Homecoming, PG-13

Jul 09, 2009 19:09

Title: Homecoming
Summary: Lucius is finally coming home from Azkaban, and Draco wants to give his father the perfect welcome home. Birthday fic for calairiel who requested Lucius/Draco.
Characters/Pairings: Lucius/Draco
Genre: angst/slash
Rating/Warnings: PG-13, but with definite undertones of incest, so you've been warned!
Word Count: 440

Draco glanced again at the clock on the wall and saw that the hand representing his father still pointed to Azkaban. He felt sure the prison adminsitrators were delaying Lucius' release as long as possible, and he was annoyed by the delay but simultaneously grateful for the extra bit of time it gave him to make sure everything would be perfect for Lucius' return.

Draco had been compelled to take care of all the arrangements himself. He hadn't seen his mother at all in months. Lucius' long-term absence had proven to be too much for her, and she had sought comfort in the arms of a rather wide assortment of wizards. Eventually, she had realized she would need to move out of Malfoy Manor before Lucius returned. And so Draco had been left alone in the expansive estate with nothing to occupy himself but thoughts of his father's homecoming.

Draco went over his mental checklist one last time. Lucius' favorite firewhisky in a crystal decanter, check. Lucius' favorite snifter next to the decanter on the sideboard, check. Two large lobsters and all the necessary accoutrements cooking in the kitchen, check. A new set of satin sheets in emerald green on Lucius' bed, check. A son willing to do anything to make up for the absence of his mother, check.

Noticing motion out of the corner of his eye, Draco turned and saw Lucius' hand on the clock point to home. Several seconds later, he heard a chime as someone approached the wards protecting the manor. His first impulse was to run to the door, fling it open, and throw his arms around his father, but he restricted himself to walking briskly to the door, a small but warm smile on his lips. He opened the door and began to bow his father in, but was shocked into stillness by the sight which confronted him. There, on the doorstep, was a wizard Draco had never seen before, his shoulders hunched under the weight of an emaciated wizard with long, disheveled silver hair.

"Father!" Draco rushed forward, took Lucius' weight onto his own shoulders, and dragged him inside, closing the door on the unknown wizard. Draco hefted his father into an armchair and rushed to fill the snifter with firewhisky, pressing it to his father's lips.

"What did they do to you, Father?" Draco asked in a hushed voice.

"Draco?" Lucius' voice was reduced to a gravelly whisper.

Draco knelt in front of his father, looking up into his dim grey eyes and resting his hands on Lucius' knees. "Yes, Father. You're safe now. I'm going to make you feel much better."


creator: valkyrie_lisa, character: draco malfoy, form: ficlet, rating: pg-13, character: lucius malfoy

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