Fic: Not Only A Kiss

Jun 06, 2009 00:16

Title: Not Only A Kiss
Summary: He wanted to curse the small plant, but at the same time he couldn't help but be glad. And she can't help but be happy that she finds herself caught under the mistletoe with him as he peers at her with amber eyes through his soft brown bangs. Set during OOTP.
Characters/Pairings: Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Remus/Tonks
Genre: Romance
Rating/Warnings: K+
Word Count: 506

There they stood, under the wilting piece of mistletoe hanging from the doorframe between the hallway and the library, her coming in and him going out.

They had both just been doing work for the Order, her delivering a report to Dumbledore and him researching several dark curses that the Death Eaters had reportedly been using lately.

It was several days past Christmas, and Remus Lupin wanted to curse the small plant that Sirius had left hanging, probably hoping for this exact situation to come along. A small part of him though was quite happy to be standing under it with Nymphadora Tonks.

Tonks was rather pleased as well to find herself caught here with Remus Lupin, whose sandy brown bangs were currently falling into his sparkling amber eyes as he peered down at her, looking rather like a nervous teenager. Her eyes flicked from the mistletoe to him and back again and again, until they finally settled on his face as she watched him do the same.

He was sure that she would simply give him a peck on the cheek and continue on her merry way, probably tripping on the way into the room. He’d catch her, and she’d admonish him for calling her Nymphadora while she blushed a shade of pink that matched her spiky hair quite nicely.

She wondered if the cause of his surprise when she pulled his head down to hers had anything to do with the fact that he didn’t think that she would do this in a million years or if it was just how quickly she moved. Nevertheless, she was smiling as she kissed him, winding her hands around his thin neck, fingers fidgeting in the sandy hair at the nape of his neck and marveling at the fact that it was even softer then she imagined it.

He was incredibly surprised to feel her smiling lips pressed against his, but this didn’t stop him from kissing her back softly, placing his hands lightly on her hips and wishing that this moment could just last for the rest of forever. The rational part of him, the tiniest bit of his mind that hadn’t totally been captured by the perfection of this one kiss with Nymphadora Tonks, was also hoping that Sirius didn’t come strolling down the hallway to ruin it.

They broke apart a few seconds later, both blushing furiously. She had a grin on her face like she’d just once a million galleons, a look he was sure was reflected on his own face.

His hair was falling even further into his eyes, and she could imagine mischievous young Remus charming his teachers out of giving him detention with the gorgeous smile he now wore, and it took all her willpower not to just kiss him again right then and there.

Her dark eyes twinkling, she turned quickly, heading back down the corridor, whistling a Christmas carol slightly off tempo. Remus just stood in the doorway for a moment, before he shook his head and turned back into the library to resume reading his novel.


creator: mzmtiger, character: remus lupin, character: nymphadora tonks

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