ficlet: Beautiful Black Lie, no challenge

Apr 03, 2009 15:50

Title: Beautiful Black Lie
Summary: Regulus makes a tough decision.  Written for painfullybored, who will be celebrating a birthday tomorrow.  The request was a drabble written while listening to a 30 Seconds to Mars song from the album Beautiful Lie involving someone from the Black family.  I was restricted to writing only as long as the song played.  I chose "Beautiful Lie" and Regulus. 
Characters/Pairings: Regulus Black, Kreacher
Genre: angst?
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 148

Regulus lay awake in his bed.  He felt angry, hurt, betrayed.  He had trusted the Dark Lord, granted him the use of Kreacher with no reservations, and yet the Dark Lord had left Kreacher to die in that cave.  Regulus feared that the Dark Lord would take things too far, that this was no longer about the greater good, but about the ambitions and desires of one individual above all others.

Regulus thought about his brother, how brave Sirius had been to turn his back on the Black family views and traditions.  Could Regulus ever be that brave?  He had to do something to prove his own worth to himself.

He sat up suddenly.  "Kreacher!"

Regulus heard a zap and then his loyal servant's voice.  "How can Kreacher serve master?"

"Kreacher, show me the cave the Dark Lord left you in."


creator: valkyrie_lisa, character: regulus black, rating: g, character: kreacher

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