Fic: A New Generation, G-rated, no challenge

Mar 31, 2009 10:49

Title: A New Generation
Summary: Rose Weasley learns to embrace her inner Snake.  This was written for heureviolet, who celebrated her birthday on Sunday.  She requested a Rose/Scorpius friendship fic.  Happy (belated) birthday, Chantelle!
Characters/Pairings: Rose Weasley, James Potter (the younger), Scorpius Malfoy, mention of Albus Potter.
Genre: Friendship
Ratings/Warnings: G, I suppose.  No warnings.  
Word Count: 532

As Rose watched her fellow first years being called up to the sorting hat, she thought about the things her father had said back at the platform.  She knew how her father felt about the house of Slytherin.  She knew that, although his tone was teasing, he had meant what he said.  But the war seemed so long ago.  Rose had never felt its effects, and so she questioned the validity of her father's views.  Would it really be so bad to be sorted into Slytherin?

She watched as Scorpius Malfoy strode confidently up to the sorting hat.  It was quick to pronounce him a Slytherin, and he proudly took a place at the Slytherin table.  Rose admired his confidence, his apparent lack of doubt as to where he belonged.  She watched as Albus shuffled forward and cringed under the hat, saw him mumbling under his breath, and heard the hat pronounce him a Gryffindor.  When she was called forward, she thought of these things.  She knew by now where she wanted to be, where she needed to be.


Rose smiled and took a seat next to Scorpius.  "Hi.  I'm Rose."

Scorpius grinned at her.  "I'm Scorpius.  I saw you on the platform earlier today."


It was an uncharacteristically warm fall day when James and some friends decided to head down to the lake, Albus following close behind.  They were headed towards James' favorite spot when he noticed a first-year Slytherin was already there, his head buried in a book.

"Oi!"  James cried out.  "This is our spot!  Go find somewhere else to study."

Scorpius looked up, keeping his place in the book with one finger.  "I was here first. I'm not moving."

James stepped closer so that Scorpius had to look straight up in order to see him.  He drew his wand and pointed it at Scorpius' nose.  "Move, firstie."

"James!  Scorpius!  What's going on here?"  Rose came rushing forward.

James, his wand still pointed at Scorpius, looked questioningly at Rose.  "You know this kid?"

"Scorpius is my friend.  Leave him alone, James."  Rose stood beside Scorpius, resting a protective hand on his shoulder.

James let his wand arm fall to his side.  "Have it your way, Rose.  But you want to be careful about the friends you choose."

"Don't you worry about me, James.  I can make my own decisions."

"Come on, guys.  I know a better place, anyway."  James and his friends walked away, casting backwards glances at Rose and Scorpius.  Rose stared after them until they were gone and then sat down next to Scorpius.

"Sorry about my cousin.  He's usually pretty nice, but he can come on a bit too strong sometimes.  Are you alright?"

Scorpius gave her a sideways glance.  "I could have taken care of it myself."

"I know.  But I didn't want you to get into trouble for fighting.  James just isn't worth it."

Scorpius smiled a little reluctantly.  "Thanks.  Hey, I have some Fizzing Whizbees back in the dorms.  Do you want to go share them?"

"Sure!  Let's go!"


creator: valkyrie_lisa, character: rose weasley, character: scorpius malfoy, rating: g, character: james potter

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