1 ficlet, 1 fic, no prompt

Mar 21, 2009 22:31

Title: Destiny and Divination
Summary: Romilda Vane begins to realise that she needs to take her fate into her own hands during a Divination class.
Characters/Pairings: Romilda Vane/Harry Potter
Genre: Romance
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 520

The crystal ball was looming in front of her, full of swirling lights and bright nothingness. She sighed inadvertedly, her mind drifting as far away from the Divination room as possible. If only she could use this crystal ball to see her own future, the future she so desperately desired.. but no matter how hard she focused, there was nothing there for her. She could hear the raindrops falling against the window with a thick layer of soft noise, gently lulling her to sleep. She glanced over at Mathilda, the girl sitting opposite her, and could see that she was having about the same amount of luck. She could hear Professor Trelawney on the far side of the room, explaining to a boy the importance of a clear and focused mind in that usual dramatic voice of hers. Romilda, however, could not help but feel that this whole subject was a hoax, including the useless teacher. She had great expectations of Divination when she had first been introduced to the subject, but her interest had waned quickly after her encounter with Professor Trelawney. She had hoped to receive some sort of revelation from this subject, a guide that would help her win Harry Potter's heart.. but all she had received had been empty prophecies and terrible rhetorics. Romilda stiffled a yawn and flicked through the pages of her book, pretending that she was examining a symbol.

"This class is complete and utter rubbish," she exclaimed ten minutes later as she was leaving the classroom with her friend Mathilda. "Did you hear how that old hag was going on about the clear-sightedness of her inner eye? By the looks of her, she can hardly see more than two feet ahead her, not even mentioning anyone's future."

"Maybe we should try swapping teachers then?" Romilda's friend suggested while looking through her schedule, trailing her finger down the list of classes. "I hear that centaur is quite good looking and he deals more with stars rather than crystal balls and tea leaves."

Romilda only shook her head as they were walking down the stairs of the Divination tower, a thoughtful expression on her face. "I don't know.. I'm thinking about dropping Divination all together. But I've been thinking and I've decided.. I think it's time we started dealing with our little project in a more direct manner."

Mathilda looked up from her notes and narrowed her eyes as she saw Romilda's expression, knowing that she was up to no good. "Do you have anything particular mind?"
Romilda only smiled and flicked her long black hair out of her face. "Lets just say that Harry Potter better be prepared to fall in love, hmm?"
Her friend gasped. "Romilda! You don't seriously mean to use.. a love potion?"
Romilda only shrugged and straightened the hem of her robes. "There are no lengths I'm not prepared to go to anymore Mathilda," she said with a determined smile. "There is at least one thing I've learned from Divination - your future is what you make of it. And I'm fully prepared to get exactly what I want."

Title: Furry Transfiguration
Summary: Draco Malfoy has a little encounter with a kitty during a Transfiguration class.
Characters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy, Minerva McGonagall
Genre: Ehm.. humour?
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 329

The kitten meowed softly and strolled across the desk, gracefully leaping ontop of the thick Transfiguration book with considerable ease. Draco Malfoy glanced down at the animal and couldn't help but smile when he saw that the little creature was carefully chewing on the edge of the book.
"That's quite alright, I don't like it either," Draco said quietly and ran his fingertips over the kitten's furry back. In response, the kitten purred and continued to chew on the pages of Draco's Transfiguration manual.
"Now come on everyone, please focus!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed loudly, making the students look up. She was standing at her desk with her own stripy kitten sitting on it and licking its own fur like nobody's business. "Remember to pronounce the incantation very clearly - and no hesitation! Like so, please observe;" she pointed her wand down at the animal and said clearly "Vicissitudo Speculum!"
The kitten hardly managed to give his fur a final lick when he was swiftly turned into a spotless silver hand mirror with a lovely ornate handle. The students gave the transformation a gasp of approval and quickly looked down at their own kittens. Draco followed their example, but was unable to look away from the kitten's large brown eyes. Not wanting to look too soft, however, he withdrew his wand and followed McGonagall's example, exclaiming "Vicissitudo Speculum!". He then looked down to see the results of his spell and frowned, observing the large fluffy tail that served as a handle for his mirror. McGonagall approached his desk with an expression of amusement on her face.
"A little bit more concentration from you next time Mr. Malfoy," she said as she poked the mirror with her wand. Draco scowled and tried picking up the mirror but it gave a little hiss and jumped away from his grasp.
"I liked you better when you were a cat," he said to the mirror and transformed it back with a flick of a wand.


creator: supremacy_born, character: draco malfoy, character: minerva mcgonagall, rating: pg, character: harry potter

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