Slytherin Prompts 1, 2, and 3 (no challenge)

Jan 08, 2009 16:38

Title: Red
Summary: All of James' favorite things are red.
Characters/Pairings: James/Lily
Genre: A little fluffy
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: Ficlet
Word Count: 128

All of James' favorite things are red. His quidditch gear. Apples, for which he seems to have developed an ravenous fondness for since he started spending evenings in the Forbidden Forest. Thick curtains that block out the too-bright light following the end-of-term party. The "Do NOT Enter" signs that he and Sirius smirk at as they pass. And her hair. Her hair that smells like gardenia and honeysuckle and some citrus he can quite peg. Threads of satin that slip through his fingers, bouncing as she laughs. It's all sorts of red. Burgundy when it's wet. Shimmering with copper streaks by the end of summer. Splayed out beneath her like some errant halo. His favorite things are red. The colour of sex and danger and love and her hair.

Title: Lullaby
Summary: The mysterious disappearance of Regulus inhibits Bellatrix' ability to sleep.
Characters/Pairings: Bellatrix/Rodolphus
Genre: Fluffy
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Medium: Ficlet
Word Count: 233

It seems like it's the only way she manages to fall asleep these days. Left on her own she'd stay up for a week, her innate grace taking sharp turns like a silk banner blown to and fro by the wind. Three months since her cousin disappeared. There's talk of treachery. Of desertion. She says nothing of it, not to him.

Those who follow her whims so blindly, who see in her some exaggerated spark of divinity seek him, hoping to present him like some pagan offering. But there's no hope left in her eyes, the lavender-gray orbs dipping behind her fluttering lashes. She's not fighting him, not really. One hand scratches across his cheek, but it lacks its usual bite. The streaks across his chest are barely bleeding at all. Even now the effort is giving way to the lazy strain against yielding flesh. The other hand tugs at his grasp around her throat, but he pays it no mind. It's just a reflex, he knows. And she's tired, he knows. Her body arches under and it means she's nearly there.

It's best like this. Ebony curls tousled, the rare rosy blush warming her alabaster cheeks as her crimson pout strains for just a little more air. But no, it's kinder to let her sleep. To make her sleep. There's work to do in the morning, and she's sharpest when she's rested.

Title: Unrelenting
Summary: It took Tom a while to find the exact pieces he wanted to use.
Characters/Pairings: Tom Riddle and another
Genre: Is there an "ambiguous" genre? Can we create one?
Rating/Warnings: PG-13?
Medium: Ficlet
Word Count: 151

It's all very nice at first, his deep, weighing eyes upon her; the way his penetrating gaze doesn't shy away when crossed with hers.

He's so very attentive to every detail about her - her past, her home, her family, her history, her heirlooms. As if every word from her lips nourishes him in some way she scarcely understands. No one has ever listened to her so completely.

When he speaks it's quiet but not hushed, candid but not vulgar, and somehow it all seems so very secret and precious. It condenses the world down to the velvet of his voice and those eyes.

But then something's wrong. What could she have possibly said to make that smoldering heat in him flash fierce and cold? He was scarcely himself at all. The grip she had though would prove feather-light, like she was something delicate and invaluable, is like iron. Cold and unrelenting.


creator: painfullybored, character: lily (evans) potter, character: voldemort/tom riddle, rating: g, character: fluffy, character: bellatrix lestrange, character: slytherins, form: ficlet, rating: pg-13, character: rodolphus lestrange, character: james potter

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