Drabbles: Decay; Crowds

Oct 12, 2008 13:40

Title: Decay
Summary: What Autumn means for Tom
Characters/Pairings: Tom Riddle
Genre: Angst?
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 84
Author's note: This was supposed to be submitted to Insomniacs for the Autumn prompt but I forgot!

Tom Riddle does not enjoy autumn. While other children don heavy sweaters and laugh, rolling through the leaves, Tom only sees decay and the inevitable. As decay comes with autumn, the rebirthing process comes at spring. Bodies begin their gradual decay in their autumn years and there is no rebirthing. The concept of death frightens him more than the other eleven year olds. But he thinks he will one day master this cyclical process. Certainly these powers, this magic, can be harnessed. Or unleashed.

Title: Crowds
Summary: What Malfoys do not do
Characters/Pairings: Scorpius Malfoy, mentions of Draco and Lucius
Genre: Angst?
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 99

Scorpius Malfoy learned long ago that his kind does not get lost in crowds, figuratively or metaphorically. He learned it mostly from grandfather as Father was never around. Scorpius does not even know where Father went but the tone the older Slytherins use tell him he should be ashamed. The war had irreparably scarred Father. He wasted the Malfoy fortune on various philanthropic ideals. Muggles, the older boys tease, he travels in packs with them. Scorpius ignores them, cheeks flushing. Malfoys act for themselves only, and never for the masses. Grandfather taught him that. Malfoys are not for Muggles.


character: scorpius malfoy, character: voldemort/tom riddle, form: drabble, creator: yinepu, rating: g

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