ficlet: how it is when things disintegrate; pack1ife

Sep 04, 2008 23:53

Title: How It Is When Things Disintegrate
Author: pack1ife
Summary: Regulus Black returns home for the last time...
Characters/Pairings: Regulus Black, mentions of Sirius, Walburga, and Kreacher
Genre: Gen, Angst
Rating/Warnings: PG, for some morbid themes; mild DH spoilers
Medium: Ficlet
WC: 283
For: planetgal471's lyrics promptIf I ever saw you comin' I don't know what I might do
I'd like to think I could control myself but it isn't true-Bob Dylan

Regulus Black breathed in steady rhythmic sighs, his hand clenched tightly around his wand. Standing just outside 12 Grimmauld Place, he hadn't been home in months, but he knew there was little left here now and his brother would not be up in his room oggling those muggle posters. He had to be so outwardly defiant. He couldn't find a more subtle way to rebel. He had to push their mother's every button and get under her skin at the most inopportune times, driving her to banish him from the family tree forever when he left. Yes, he was angry at Sirius, he was always getting angry at Sirius. Sirius seemed to revel in making everyone's blood boil. But not because he hated him. He never really hated his older brother, though he sometimes hated the things he did. His unfathomable ignorance. But he, in truth, respected him, rather admired him. His courage. His resolve. His unshakeable will. The very same things that made him insufferable were his greatest assets. It made Regulus a little jealous. He had his mother's love, but it was never really enough.

He was angry now only because he loved him, because he missed him. He could hardly fathom what he would say to him on the off-chance they did meet again, he could not imagine it would be pleasant, as much as he often tried to remain civil. But he did not know what sort of man Sirius was now anymore than he knew whether he might live after retreiving their family's house elf to have him perform one last task. He breathed out once more before stepping in through the front door and calling out, "Kreacher?"


character: regulus black, character: sirius black, rating: pg, creator: pack1ife, character: kreacher

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