Ficlet: "Draco's Side" Romance

Jul 24, 2008 16:28

Title: "Draco's Side" - companion piece to "Hermione's Crush"
Summary: Draco's thoughts during the events of "Hermione's Crush"
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Hermione
Genre: romance
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 334
Author's Note: I'm thinking about extending this and "Hermione's Crush" into a longer story.  What do you think?

Sitting in Double Potions, Draco felt a pair of eyes watching him.  Turning in his seat, he was surprised and amused to find that the pair of eyes belonged to Granger and looked slightly glazed over.  He returned her stare and smirked, and Hermione jumped slightly, blushed, and abruptly looked away.  Draco leisurely returned his gaze and his attention back to his cauldron.
    Draco knew with absolute certainty that Granger must have a crush on him.  He didn't have to think twice to come to that conclusion.  The only question was, what would he do with that knowledge?  He certainly didn't reciprocate her feelings; she was, after all, a mudblood.  A pretty mudblood, but a mudblood nonetheless.  But could he really pass up an opportunity to mess with one of Potter's minions?  He would need to be subtle, though: lure her in gently so she'd never realize until it was too late.
    Draco made his decision and went upstairs to the Great Hall for dinner.  He sat in his usual spot, from which he could monitor the section of the Gryffindor table usually occupied by Potter and his disciples.  As luck would have it, Granger had apparently decided to sit facing Draco.  This would be even easier than he had first thought.
    Throughout dinner, Draco wore his most alluring smirk, cocking his eyebrow in a slight imitation of Snape whenever Granger looked over.  Each time, he watched her until she blushed or coughed nervously and looked away. 
    Draco watched Granger rise from her seat, and he watched out of the corner of his eye as she strode out of the hall.  I wonder what that walk would look like without the robe, he thought to himself.  He quickly reminded himself that he was only doing this to irritate Potter, and returned his focus to his dinner.


creator: valkyrie_lisa, character: draco malfoy, form: ficlet, rating: pg, character: hermione granger

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