Title: Draco's Decision
Summary: This is the next phase of my Astoria series. Its Draco's turn now and this takes place slightly before Scorpius goes to Hogwarts. This can be read alone or as part of the series.
Astoria's Flowers Astoria's Wish Astoria's Pride Astoria's Child Astoria's Anger Astroria's LossCharacters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy, Astoria Malfoy, Scorpius Malfoy, Harry Potter, Albus Severus Potter
Genre: General
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 643
It had been years since Astoria and I slept in separate bedrooms. I had tried as much as I could to have feelings for her. All I had developed was a respect and sympathy. Mother insisted I did not have to make it work, to just sit down with Astoria and tell her the truth. Somehow, I just could not bring myself to do such. Not out of any respect for her, I just simply did not wish to. Not even after Scorpius was born.
However, on his second birthday I was unable to take this farce any longer and told her she would be sleeping elsewhere. A divorce would be unseemly, a messy thing and there would then be a dispute over custody of Scorpius. He was my heir and he would not go with his mother, surely. There was too much to lose with a divorce.
I did not even wait for her reaction at the party. Surely she would cause some sort of disgusting scene fit for a peasant. She was prone to emotional outbursts, after all.
Scorpius was eleven now and Hogwarts had just sent his letter. With the stigma surrounding my family I had long considered sending him to Durmstang where his reception might have been something different. I remembered, though, what a refuge Hogwarts had been for so many, including myself. I knew though I had been given an impossible task that the deatheaters could not get to me there. I knew for Scorpius it would be a refuge. Besides, Astoria insisted there was no way he could possibly go anywhere else but Hogwarts. She did not wish it. I agreed to send him.
We had bought him the best robes now that the ministry was starting to release our money from the Gringott's bank. The deatheaters were mostly still under suspicion and our accounts had been frozen such a long time. Potter had personally made sure they had released our vaults early for Scorpius' impending departure for school. He had insisted to them my mother had saved him during the war and that the ministry owed them.
Scorpius was fearful to go off to Hogwarts by himself. He had seen how many of my business associates shrank back from me. He saw how some looked at me with wide eyed fear that only a known deatheater received. His mother had assured him things would be different at Hogwarts. Reluctantly, he agreed to go. He agreed with his chin lifted as though he actually had the power in the situation. We had taught him well.
We stood at the platform as Astoria fussed over him. He enjoyed it, almost lavished it and I frowned briefly as I watched. Maybe when he returned for Christmas holiday he would spend some quality time with his mother. Maybe he had not spent much time with her since she had moved out of our room.
Across the platform, Potter was standing with the brats he and the Weasel had created. His second child looked so much like him and I narrowed my eyes as I watched them down the platform. He had Weasel's freckles but he looked very much like Harry. Maybe a bit healthier than he had been at that age. He bent to talk to the boy and when he stood straight again, he glanced at me with a smile before schooling his features and nodding briefly. I gave him a hard nod in return and pursed my lips, almost narrowing my eyes at him.
Scorpius left on the train and Astoria and I set off to apparate home. We needed to have a chat.