More limericks (Poetry challenge 5)

Jun 09, 2008 12:50

 Title: More Character Limericks (Challenge 5)
Summary: more limericks 
Characters/Pairings: Snape, Goyle, Rose Weasley
Genre: fun poetry!
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: Poetry
Word Count: 93

There once was a man, name of Snape,
Whom Harry would no longer hate.
He gave his life for love,
But it wasn’t enough
And with that it helped seal his fate.

There one was a boy name of Goyle;
To Draco alone he was loyal.
He thought purebloods were best,
And believed in Voldie’s quest
Too bad he looked like a gargoyle!

There once was a young girl named Rose
Who quite enjoyed writing prose
She took after her mom,
Who had married Ron,
But the looks of a Weasley she shows.

form: poetry, character: rose weasley, creator: hiddengrace, character: severus snape

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