Poem Challenge #20

Jun 06, 2008 19:04

Title: We are the Badgers!
Summary: Who we are.
Characters/Pairings: n/a
Genre: Poem
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 85

H onest and humble, we Puff's are made of class
U nderestimate us and we will kick your ass!
F irm resolve and kindly just, loyalty an absolute must.
F earing not as we lie in our beds
L ove prevails when dark days lie ahead
E ntirely selfless, never friendless; this is where we belong.
P urity of heart and spirit; that is our song!
U nited as front that is why we are strong!
F orget not our value; we are of strong stature
F ormidable and true; we are the Badgers!

let's try again...lol

Lizzie of Hufflepuff

creator: dana_for_me

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