Fic:: The Moste Secrete Society of Gryffindor Pranksters

May 11, 2008 15:29

Title: The Moste Secrete Society of Gryffindor Pranksters
Summary: James and Sirius are given a serious task by the illustrious Brothers Prewett
Characters: James Potter, Sirius Black, Gideon Prewett, Fabian Prewett
Genre: Humor
Word Count: 961
Ratings/Warnings: Some swearing? so pg

Had James and Sirius not been blindfolded, they would have been exchanging looks of confusion. "Padfoot-"

"Oi, Snitch for brains, didn't we tell you no talking?" Gideon insisted, jabbing James in the ribs as he led them into a room. "Blindfolds off, wee sixth years."

Gideon and Fabian Prewett were, quite possibly, the only people that James and Sirius would take orders from. When James and Sirius were first years, it was the Prewett twins' destruction of the Slytherin toilets that inspired the two boys to formulate their own plots and pranks. And now they were in a room draped in scarlet and gold, portraits of Gryffindors past, and a trophy case of dungbombs...with the Gideon and Fabian 'just-as-notorious-as-the-Marauders' Prewett.

"I really don't think the blindfolds were necessary, they can't get into the room unless someone who's been given access-"

"-It's for dramatic effect, all right, Fabian?" Gideon interrupted rolling his eyes. "So, aside from being 6th year pranksters that potentially rival us, you're clever as well, have either of you guessed why you're here?"

Before Sirius could stop him, James blurted out "-To sacrifice us in the name of Godric Gryffindor?"

Sirius cringed and added, "He has a syndrome! He's frightened of gingers."

The brothers only laughed. "So tetchy, these two. If only the gaggle of girls in your fanclub saw you now. Word of advice, if you want to admired, you've got to play it cool, ALL the time."

"Like we do-"

"-it's an art form really."

James cleared his throat and spoke much more slowly and hoped he did not sound like a six-year-old girl. "So, if you're not sacrificing us, why are we here in this... shrine to Gryffindor?"

There was silence and a lot of pacing from Gideon before he finally spoke. "There is a long standing tradition among Gryffindor men. Chivalry. Bravery-"

"Braggadocio." Fabian added.

"Are you hitting the Italian books again, Fabian?" Gideon grinned briefly before returning back to a more serious look. "But, back to business. Chivalry, bravery, that Italian word, and mischief. We are the only ones in this school with the most outlandish pranks and the balls to take the detention for it. It goes back a long way, our dad was one, your dad was definitely one, Potter-"

"-Even Molly's husband, Arthur, got on the list. And Aberforth, the bar owner over at Hogs Head? On the list-"

"-d'you think it was before or after the goats-"

"-Irrelevant, but I think it was after." Fabian finished.

James shot Sirius a quick look in between the brothers' exchange. Sirius shrugged and nudged his head towards the brothers.

Fabian started talking this time, "A select number of Gryffindors have made lasting impressions on the school, blazing the way for future pranksters like ourselves, and, now, yourselves. In the coming weeks, right before N.E.W.T's, young Gryffs, you will see what we have worked on all year."

"Now, do you know why we brought you sods here?" Gideon grinned as he pulled a piece of old parchment out from the trophy case.

"Er, vaguely." James mumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"I don't know why they call you two brilliant-"

"-I definitely don't see it." Fabian joked, though he became serious as Gideon unrolled the parchment onto a table. "All right, you lot, to the parchment with you."

Gideon spoke in hushed tones, "This, this parchment is centuries old. It has names of MANY notable Gryffindors. As you can see, we signed our names on this parchment around this time last year."

"And since we're leaving, we must bestow this solemn duty onto you, young Gryffindors. The solemn duty to prank the hell out of this school in your seventh, and last year."

James surveyed the list, "There it is! There's my dad's name! He kept that quiet!"

"Signing your name means you tell no one except for those who you deem worthy for the next year." Gideon replied. "Believe me, it was tough not saying anything."

Sirius however looked at the brothers and asked, "How do we know you're not having us on?

Fabian cleared his throat, "Gid, I'll take over, you have little tact. And you're uglier." He snorted. "To answer your question, Black, there are five things we take seriously in this world: Girls, N.E.W.T. scores, Auror training, turning in dark wizards-"

"-and pranking."

"We couldn't be more serious about this. This is a legacy that MUST be passed down." Fabian insisted. "Do you accept this challenge?"

James took the quill eagerly. "Bloody hell, even my grandad is on this, I'm accepting this challenge." He took great care in writing his name clearly. "There, 'James Potter, class of 1978'. Brilliant. All right, Padfoot, your turn."

Sirius grinned, "Well, like we weren't going to unleash hell on the school anyway, we can take the spotlight once you lot are gone."

"Shame because we're better looking." Gideon grinned. He surveyed the parchment, nodding approvingly before putting it back in the case. "It's official, the torch has been passed. We've got a bit of pranking to do right now, not THE prank, but, you know, the Slytherins are out on the pitch and we just got our hands on itching powder."

"Amateur, we know, but they're easy prey." Fabian winked. "If you need to find this room next year, just think about it, hard-"

"-and walk past the portrait of Barnabas the Barmy teaching trolls ballet. It's a good place to think-"

"- or hide-"

"- not so much hide as escaping our fanclub of hormone addled girls." Gideon waggled his eyebrows and left the room, Fabian following behind him.

James rubbed the back of his neck and said, "Bit mad, brilliant, but mad. So, shall we? I've always wanted to test out the Remote Start Dungbombs-"

"Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?"

"If it's 'Put the dungbombs in the Slytherin corner of the broom shed'" James grinned.

"-all systems are GO, Prongs!"


character: fabian prewett, character: gideon prewett, creator: alohachary1851, character: sirius black, character: james potter

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