Ficlet Challenge # 15

Jan 14, 2008 16:29

Ficlet challenge #15
Subject: Interacting with the outside world.
Summary: A young Arthur sees a car for the first time.
Rating: G
Word count: 403
Characters: Arthur Weasley, OC

Arthur Weasley was seven when he first saw a car.

His mother and father were busy flooing furniture in from their old house, and the small red haired boy was exploring their new home; a small rickety cottage, surrounded by acres of farm land.

He took off his shoes, and hoisted up his robe as he ran through the damp grass towards their front fence.

The road on the other side of the gate was uneven and dusty, and the wooden fence was overrun with weeds that snaked their way up the poles that were staked messily into the ground.

In his opinion, it was the best place Arthur had ever been.

He ran further along the fence, to where a there was a small pond, surrounded by leaves and frogs that croaked loudly, but remained unseen.

And that was when he heard it. A loud rumbling, coming closer. He stood up, and peered into the distance, where a large dark shape was emerging from a cloud of dust. It moved in a strange way, rolling clumsily towards him, at a speed he’d only seen brooms go.

But Arthur’s eyes lit up as the shape came into focus.

It was a huge metal box, surrounded by glass, and inside sat a middle aged man holding a large wheel.

Arthur jumped onto the fence, and leant forward to get a better look at the thing, as it rolled closer.

The man caught sight of him, and the  beast slowed to a crawl and stopped.

He leant over, and one of the sheets of glass slid down.

“Hello.” Arthur said.

“Hello, Son.” said the man, “You the new neighbours?”

Arthur glanced around. There wasn’t another house to be seen. How could he be neighbours to this man if he didn’t live near him?

“Yeah!” Arthur said brightly, and pointed to the metal thing. “What’s that?”

“You never seen a car before?”

Arthur shook his head. “What does it do?”

The man stared at the young boy in  bright blue robes. “You drive it. It takes you places.”

“I see.” Said Arthur. “A Car.” he tested the new word, and grinned. “Well, thankyou mister! But I better get back inside, mum and dad’ll be wondering where I’ve got to.”

“Sure thing son.” Said the man. “Bye now.”

And then the Car roared loudly, and trundled into the distance, leaving Arthur wide eyed, and bubbling with excitement.


creator: colour_me_troll, form: ficlet, rating: g, character: arthur weasley

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