The Gift of Friendship Continued

Aug 28, 2007 14:34

Summary: Longing for a puppy, a very young Sirius meets Remus Lupin for the first time.
Character List: Sirius Black, Wallburga Black, Regulus Black, Remus Luin, Kreacher, assorted other people, etc. This would be set in Sirius’ childhood, somewhere around 1968 or so, perhaps.
Pairings: None, friendship only.
Genre: Childhood story
Warnings: None

These characters belong to J.K. Rowling, not to me. My apologies for tampering with her characters and her work. Note: Although I've taken many liberties with characters, etc. I've tried to keep the timeline (ages of characters, etc.) basically intact.

Soft, white flakes fell slowly, disappearing into the cobblestones as Sirius stood still and gently sniffed the frigid air of Diagon Alley. Underneath the slightly sickening aroma of butterscotch coming from Florean Fortescue’s ice-cream parlor, he could detect it. Snow! The first of the season! And this time it smelled like it would stick! “Maybe Christmas shopping won’t be so bad, after all.” he thought to himself.

Sirius loathed Christmas shopping. Being dragged from shop to shop by his impatient mother while Kreacher swore and struggled under a mountain of heavy parcels was hardly his idea of how to spend a perfect winter afternoon. Sometimes Gringotts was interesting, but only if you got to ride in the cart. Sirius loved the way the cart swerved and shook on the way to their family vault, but the goblins made him nervous. He hated the way the looked at him when they bowed, pretending to be polite but barely disguising their disgust. Today was even worse, Wallburga had called ahead and their gold was waiting for them at the front counter. No cart, no ride, no dragons, no fun. But at least it was snowing, and that meant real fun when they got home. And at least Regulus could come along this time!

He looked down at his little brother who was holding his hand and looking-up at him expectantly. “What are we going to see, Siri?” he asked, wide-eyed and curious. “I don’t know yet,” answered Sirius, “I guess it depends on Mother.” Glancing ahead of him, Sirius saw his mother arguing over the price of a silk scarf from a vendor at a stall. Wallburga had drawn herself up to her full height and was looking down contemptuously at the cowering man in drab winter coat. “She’s not in the greatest mood, today, Reg, watch out.”

Wallburga was certainly not in the greatest of moods that day, but then she could hardly be called a cheery woman even on the best of days. Diagon Alley, with it’s hordes of Muggle-borns and other commoners, raised her ire any day of the year, but Christmas annoyed her most and the two boys could hear her grumbling and complaining from several feet away. Sirius, however, didn’t complain. Christmas was coming and he was on his best behaviour. This year he had asked for only one thing: a puppy, and he was sure, just sure, that if he was a good boy (which wasn’t easy), he parents would give in and get him one.

Ever since that terrible incident at Bella’s birthday party, Sirius had been, as his father put it, “hovering over a precipice.” In other words, he was in trouble. Nate, his best friend from school, was banished from the house and Sirius was only allowed to go visit him at his home on the rarest of occasions. Sirius missed his friend terribly, Grimmauld place could be lonely and scary to an eight-year-old boy and, although, he loved Regulus, his little brother was not always the best company. Regulus worshipped his older brother but possessed the very bad habit of blabbing to his parents about every little adventure he and Sirius had. Sirius reminded himself that Reg was only six going on seven and was often so excited at thought of exploring the attic or breaking into the secret dungeon below the stairs that he simply could not restrain himself from talking about it. But the past few weeks had been adventure-free, no flying broomsticks in the house and no placing funny hats for the house-elf heads in the hallway. Sirius was determined to be a good boy and earn his puppy.

Wallburga glanced back at her sons, “Madame Maulkins is next, boys!” she said brightly. Sirius’ heart sank. Nothing, no nothing on earth, was more boring than dress shopping. An idea formed in his head. “Mother?” he asked. “Regulus is restless, can I take him over to Magical Menagerie and look at the animals?” Wallburga took a moment to assess her son’s honestly. “Please?” added Sirius with a hopeful smile. His mother paused, deciding between the lesser of evils. While neither the idea of her two, darling pureblood sons wandering loose in Diagon Alley nor the thought of keeping them in line in a dress shop greatly pleased her, she opted for the former. “Yes, but Kreacher must go with you.” she said as Sirius jumped up and down with pleasure.

But as the boys turned to leave, a mother dragging a small, tired-looking, brown-haired boy crossed their path, heading for Flourish and Botts. The boy looked over at Sirius, a tiny smile playing across his face. “Hi!” said Sirius brightly, but before the boy could respond, Wallburga grabbed her son by the arm, yanking him forcefully away from the boy and his mother. “Sirius,” she hissed in his ear, “Don’t speak to that… thing!” Perplexed, Sirius looked into his mother’s angry eyes and asked, “Why not?”
“Because he’s a werewolf, you fool. I don’t want you even near him. Ever! Do you understand me?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Sirius replied solemnly, but his gaze remained fixed on the small boy and his mother as they disappeared into the crowd.   
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
The Magical Menagerie was brightly lit and crowded with all sorts of fantastic pets. Sirius caught his breath, enthralled at the presence of so many wonderful creatures. Sleek black and grey rats scampered about their enormous tank producing a shower of blue sparks each time one took a turn in the colorful exercise wheel in the center. There were tanks of newts and spiders and even a grindylow, although, for the life of him, Sirius could not figure out what anyone would want with a grindylow. Toads of all colors croaked merrily from a small pond set into the store’s floor while colorful, fanged-fishes swam beneath the surface. Regulus looked worried, “Won’t the fishies eat the froggies?” he asked his brother.

“Unfortunately, no.” growled Kreacher before Sirius could even respond.

But Reg’s attention was drawn to a row of golden cages lining the back of the store. “Kitties!!!” he cried, running toward a particularly large, back tom cat. Regulus poked his fingers through the bars, hoping to touch the cat’s soft fur. “Hello, Mr. Kitty!” he called and, as if in response the cat rubbed its face against the child’s small fingers and let go a thunderous purr. Sirius appeared by his brother’s side and watched the child’s obvious delight. “Maybe Mother and Daddy will get you a cat for Christmas.” he suggested as Regulus smiled happily at his new-found friend.

“Filthy creatures!” growled Kreacher pulling Regulus away from the purring feline. “Don’t touch it!”

Sirius wandered away to look at the puppies. A tiny Alsatian caught his eye, but the fluffy Collie was adorable as well. There were Labradors and Shelties and Poodles and even something he suspected was really a Crup. “Which one of you wants to come home and be my new friend?” he whispered to the puppies and a golden retriever whined in response. “You do?”  he asked the puppy. But before he could reach down to pick him up a small grey arm pulled him away.

“You know, Master Sirius, that my Master and Mistress will never allow a dog in the house, don’t you?” There stood Kreacher, looking firm, but annoyed as he held a squirming Regulus by the collar. “Kitties!” sobbed Regulus, struggling to escape the elf’s grasp.

“They might…” stammered Sirius. He was worried about his brother and perhaps even more worried about getting into trouble. Kreacher would tell. He always did. Kreacher was Mother’s little pet and Sirius was firmly convinced that the elf hated him and Regulus as well. He was about to grab Reg’s other hand and lead him out of the store when the door opened with rush of cold air. There, in the doorway, stood the little werewolf boy and his mother.

“Excellent!” thought Sirius but as he started toward the boy he felt a sharp tug on his arm. Kreacher was still at his side holding him back. Sirius watched as the boy and his mother walked silently around the store. Occasionally, the youngster would point to an animal and his mother would pick him up to give him a closer look. Watching them, Sirius found himself wishing that his own mother would be that nice whilst shopping. Finally, the boy picked out a fluffy white kitten with brown spots and carried it over the counter. An uneasy mix of curiosity and jealousy filled Sirius as he watched the pale boy cuddle his new pet. It occurred to him that even a werewolf’s mother must love her son and he found this thought strangely comforting.

Wresting himself free of Kreacher’s grasp he walked up to the boy. “Hi!” he said, “I’m Sirius and that’s a really nice cat!”  The boy stared at him through liquid brown eyes and, after a moment, replied softly, “I’m Remus. Uh, thank you.” Sirius smiled and reached out to pet the little white kitten. “What’s his name?” he asked. “It’s a girl!” laughed Remus, “And I’m going to name her Cassandra Dandervan.” Sirius studied the cat thoughtfully for a moment, “That’s a great name, I think. Hello, Cassandra Dandervan!”

“Come, Remus, it’s time to go.”

Sirius looked up to see a frail-looking woman with pale skin and dark circles under her eyes. Her long, brown dress was neat, but slightly worn and even Sirius could tell that his mother would never be caught dead wearing something like that out in public. Mrs. Lupin smiled at Sirius, but said, “We need to say good-bye to your new friend now, Rem. It’s time to go home.”

“Good-by Sirius!”

“Bye, Remus!”

Sirius raised his had to wave, but was interrupted by Kreacher who seemed to be pulling a bawling, angry Regulus away from the bank of golden cat cages. “Come, Sirius!” he barked as he pulled Regulus through the doorway. Sirius was worried about his brother but secretly relieved that the tattle-happy elf had not noticed the exchange with Remus the werewolf-boy. The trio started into the street, trudging through the thin crust of newly fallen snow. As if by unspoken agreement, Kreacher released Regulus and Sirius took up his brother’s hand. When the elf turned his attention to swear at a “low-born Mudblood” who had inadvertently cut them off in the street, Sirius seized the opportunity to whisper to his brother, “Don’t worry, Reg, we’ll get you a cat soon.”

“Kitty!” murmured Regulus, snuggling close to his older brother.

Just outside of the robe makers, Sirius paused to tie his brother’s shoe and, as he straightened up, a tiny flash of black fur caught his eye. There, sitting in the snow, all alone, was a puppy!

To be continued
by Michelle // Hufflepuff

character: regulus black, character: remus lupin, character: sirius black, rating: pg, character: kreacher, creator: brighty18, form: fic

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