December 5.0: Remembering The Past

Dec 30, 2018 14:24

Title: Remembering The Past
Summary: Harry visits his parents’ grave
Characters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Genre: Fluff with slight angst
Rating/Warnings: PG Slash, non-epilogue compliant
Medium: Ficlet
Word Count: 500 words
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Yes
If yes, your Tumblr username: Orpheous87

Harry sat at the table in the kitchen of 12 Grimmauld Place, his breakfast plate forgotten in front of him. The old photo album that Hagrid had given him in his first year at Hogwarts was open beside the plate as he idly flipped through the pages.

This time of year had become increasingly difficult since he’d left school. The anniversary of his parents’ deaths was looming and now that he didn’t have a Hallowe’en feast to look forward to at Hogwarts, or any of the other things that had preoccupied this period in the past, he found himself thinking of his parents more and mourning their passing.

He looked up as footsteps sounded at the door.

“Thinking about your parents again?” Draco asked as he entered the kitchen, his hand brushing the top of Harry’s head lightly as he passed.

Harry sighed. “Yeah. Sorry, it’s just…”

“You have nothing to apologise for,” Draco said in a stern, but kind, tone. “You’re allowed to miss them, you know. You’re allowed to find this time of year hard.”

“I know,” Harry sighed again, dropping his glance back to the photo album and falling silent.

Draco busied himself making some tea, not wanting to push Harry.

“I want to visit their grave again,” Harry announced after a moment.

Draco turned to face Harry slowly. “Are you sure?”

Harry nodded. “I’ve only been there once since… well, since Christmas Eve the year of the battle. I should go more, I know I should but…”

“We’ll go today,” Draco said firmly.

“You’ll come with me?” Harry asked, faintly surprised.

Draco crossed the room to wrap his arms around Harry from behind. “Of course I will,” he said, resting his chin on top of Harry’s head. “You don’t need to ask. My father might be a complete arsehole, but at least I know I can visit him if I want to. You should visit yours when you want.”

Harry turned in his seat to wrap his arms around Draco, squeezing him tightly. “People are wrong about you, you know.”

“I know,” Draco said with a smile. “I don’t care what they think though.”

A couple of hours later, they stood hand in hand at the Apparition point.

“Ready?” Draco asked, holding onto Harry tightly.

“Yes,” Harry replied before feeling the familiar jerk as they Apparated.

Arriving in Godric’s Hollow, Harry squeezed Draco’s hand. He was glad of the support, just as he’d been glad of Hermione all those years ago. The last time he’d came, he’d been alone and he’d found it all much harder.

Silently they approached the graveyard, Harry leading the way to the spot he knew held his parents.

Standing front of the simple, understated gravestone, Harry was pleased to see the flowers he’d left last time were still there, charmed to always look fresh.

“Hello Mum, Dad,” he said quietly. “Sorry it’s been so long.”

Draco slid his arm around Harry’s waist, allowing the other man to lean into him wordlessly.

Emma/Gryffindor/17 points

creator: orpheous87, character: draco malfoy, rating: g, genre: fluff, form: ficlet, *tumblr allowed, !saturday special, character: harry potter

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