Writer's Block 41.3 - Voting

Jul 22, 2018 15:15

banner by renrenren3

Challenge: Summertime
Points: 2pts for voting. 1st/2nd/3rd/Participation Only: 50/40/30/10 points & 20/15/10/5 knuts, respectively, for winners.
Deadline: Voting until Thursday, July 26 @ 11pm UTC.
Details: Vote for your top 2 favourite drabbles. Do not vote for yourself or have other people vote for you.

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Title: What’s Best in Life

The woman’s voice floated out from the radio, somewhat muffled through the thin wood that separated rooms in the orphanage. Even the matron’s room was made of the same cheap stuff, and every sound carried.

Summertiiiiiiime, and the livin’ is eeeeea-sy.
Fish are jum-pin’ and the cotton is hiiiiiiigh.

The little snake in my pocket poked its head out sleepily. What isss that sssound? Not human ssspeech, but isss.

That’s right - this was the first time I’d eavesdropped on the matron’s radio since I’d started carrying him around. It’sss called sssinging. Controlled ssspeech, projected in different pitchesss for pleasssing effect.

The little snake blinked slowly. Do you find it pleasssing?

Just at the moment, the woman’s voice soared even higher and sweeter. It pulled something through me, like a shiver. Interesting. I think ssso.

The little snake let forth a stream of light hisses that translated to a human shrug. No accounting for tasssste. I prefer quiet.

What elssse isss pleasssing to you?

Sssun when it’sss cold, ssshade when it’sss hot, and a full belly.

I couldn’t help a smile. It takesss more than that to pleassse me, unfortunately.

Have you tried sssun, ssshade, and a full belly?

That made me laugh out loud, in a quick series of panting hisses the little snake would understand.

Try before you judge. Thesssse are the bessst thingsss in life.

I heard footsteps approaching from around the corner, and a whispered “I know Tom’s around here - I saw him head this way.”

Hmmmph. I willed a silent notice-me-not around myself, and it settled like a familiar, slippery mantle over my shoulders. I’d had a lot of wandless practice with that one. What about sssafety?

Sssafety is for getting the bessst things. It isss important.

That’sss what I thought. I want sssafety.

That isss wissse.

To get ssssafety, I need the power to control my environment.

You can control your environment? This was clearly a novel thought.

Humansss can, if they have enough power and authority.

Then you ssshould get enough power and authority. Ssso you can have what isss bessst.

I stroked my finger along his back. My sssentiments exactly.

Title: The Summer After

The pops of wizards and witches Apparating into the Weasley’s yard were so loud at one point, Harry almost couldn’t hear himself over them.

So many familiar faces turning up, all dressed in bright dresses or robes, carrying presents and grinning like crazy.

“Happy birthday, Harry!” they would cry, wrapping him in hugs, one after the other. Bill, Fleur, Hagrid, Luna and her father, Angelina Johnson, Neville and his grandmother, Hannah Abbott … the list went on and on and on.

Behind him, inside the Burrow, Harry could hear the loud laughs of people having fun, sounds of merriment and joy he had almost forgotten still existed.

He wished he could feel as happy as all of them. Wished he could feel the warmth and the love that they were all extending to him. Wished he could feel anything but the numbness that had settled over him the last few weeks.

But everything felt wrong.

He kept up the fake smile, though, kept up the cheerful greetings, thanking everyone for coming and saying how grateful he was they were there.

But when the last wizard - Dean Thomas - had disappeared inside, Harry let the grin slide from his face and he slumped down on to the ground for a few moments. The summer sun was high overhead, the sky a bright blue. He could hear birds chirping in the distance, but nothing made him feel better.

“You know it’s okay to be happy too.” A warm voice sounded behind him, and Harry turned his head as Hermione carefully took a seat beside him. She was smiling at him, but it wasn’t the crazy grins of his other party guests, just a small upturn of her lips.

“It feels wrong,” he said.

“To be happy or for them to be celebrating you?” Hermione asked.


Hermione reached over and grabbed his hand. “It’s not your fault,” she said.

Harry didn’t answer. All he could think about was Fred and Remus and Tonks and Dumbledore and everyone else who should be here now.

Hermione seemed to understand what he was thinking. When she spoke next, her voice was soft. “Sometimes people need to take a break from the grieving to be happy. This lets them do that. It’s a good thing.” She paused before adding. “They wouldn’t be here if they didn’t want to be.”

“I know,” Harry said.

“Then come on,” Hermione said. “Let’s go inside. Maybe you’ll even have some fun. It is supposed to be the best summer of our lives - no school, no careers yet.” She elbowed him slightly. “No Dursleys ever again.”

Harry actually laughed at that. “Yeah,” he said. “You’re right.”

“Of course I’m right. Come on.”

Harry didn’t protest as she pulled him to his feet, nor did he protest when she lead him inside.

He would never tell her, but she was right. Maybe it was time for him to be happy too.

!writer's block, !voting

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