Fic Challenge #194: Girl Power

Nov 12, 2017 16:29

Title: Girl Power
Summary: Voldemort helps Bellatrix make a grand entrance into the official Death Eater ranks.
Characters/Pairings: Voldemort, Bellatrix Black, Lucius Malfoy, Walden MacNair
Genre: General
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for some implications
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 706
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Sure
If yes, your Tumblr username: N/A

I could feel them like tiny stars glittering inside my core, waiting for me in the next room. Some burned brighter than others, and the newest among their ranks burned brightest of all, just down the hall.

I was going to enjoy this. My little group needed a fresh perspective.

I pushed open the door with a silent Aberto and sat down at the head of the elegantly understated table. Ah, old money and their tastes. There were certain benefits from recruiting acolytes from that pool. “Gentleman, do be seated. We have some business.”

I flicked a thought to my newest star and felt her spark to attention. The thrum of the connection echoed through me with sensuous precision, my call to her sliding between us like silk. The closer she drew, the tighter the velvet pressure of it, just this side of pleasure.

There were benefits to the Mark itself as well.

The door snicked open behind me.

Lucius Malfoy’s face was the picture of aristocratic derision as he arched a dismissive blonde eyebrow. “This gathering is by invitation only, girl. Leave us.”

Bellatrix bared her teeth at him. “I was invited.”

Walden MacNair snorted. “Stupid girl, you couldn’t possibly have been.” He turned to me, a vicious light in his eyes. “My Lord, would you like me to remove this impudent chit for you? I can make it...enjoyable.”

I let a small smile play across my lips. “I’m sure I’d enjoy seeing you try.”

MacNair flushed. “My Lord?”

I tilted my head at Bellatrix. “Go on then, Walden. Remove her.”

He’d raised his wand about halfway up before Bellatrix’s wandless, wordless Severing Charm sliced his flexor tendon. His nerveless fingers dropped the wand with a clatter.

The rest of the room had frozen, staring at MacNair and his suddenly useless wand hand.

Bellatrix’s smile was sweet as sugar. “I wouldn’t try to use that hand anytime soon, if I were you.”

I closed my eyes briefly, feeling the shock stretch through the rest of my acolytes, reverberating along their links to me in metallic harmony. MacNair’s understated terror, Malfoy’s adrenaline-saturated caution….delicious. A fine counterpoint to Bellatrix’s gleeful vindication.

At last, Malfoy managed a faint “My Lord?”

I tapped my fingers together. “I keep telling you we have to expand our spell arsenal. Perhaps you’ll now take the proposition more seriously. Consider this a demonstration of new possibilities.”

MacNair cradled his wand hand, trying to get the fingers to move. “But, my Lord, why is she here?”

Oh, the fool.

I closed my eyes briefly again and felt the confusion and anger swimming through the rest of them.

Make that fools, plural. They didn’t realize Bellatrix had cast that curse. Well, that was easily fixed.

I turned to Bellatrix. “Perhaps you’d enlighten them, my dear?”

Her rage was clear as a clarion bell and her voice came out as a simmering hiss that would have done a hellcat proud. “She is here because she is the only one responsive to our Lord’s good ideas, it seems.” She tilted her head like a raptor sighting its prey. “I heard you lot found wandless, wordless magic too strenuous. What was it my Lord said your excuse was - too much effort for the potential gains?” She leaned forward and raised her sleeve to show off my lovely mark on her. It glowed for a moment, humming with our joint will. “Anyone else wish to try to remove me? I’ll be more than happy to provide additional demonstrations.”

Several mouths dropped open before they clamped shut again. MacNair raised his wand hand, half-pointing a shaking finger. “You cannot be one of us. It’’s…”

“It’s what, Walden?” I asked, my voice dropping into low, gentle registers.

Malfoy flinched. He knew exactly what that tone presaged, and slammed MacNair’s hand down so hard, the bones ground audibly. “It’s clearly an excellent idea, my Lord.” He stood and moved to pull out a chair for Bellatrix. “Welcome, my dear.”

Bellatrix curtsied cheekily and took her seat.

I smiled at them, and only Bellatrix and Malfoy smiled back at me. It was good to know who your cleverest were. “Very good, then. Let’s continue with our meeting, shall we?”

29 points

*challenge, character: voldemort/tom riddle, creator: jalenstrix, character: bellatrix lestrange, character: lucius malfoy, genre: gen, form: fic, *tumblr allowed, rating: pg-13

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