August 4.0 - To be unique

Aug 27, 2017 16:06

Title: To be unique
Summary: Parvati and Padma Patil are going to Hogwarts tomorrow. They have never been apart; what if their sorting is the thing that separates them?
Characters/Pairings: Padma, Parvati Patil
Genre: Gen
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: Ficlet
Word Count: 550
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: No

“What if we’re not sorted in the same house tomorrow?”

Padma’s voice broke the silence in the dark room. Both Patil girls were snuggled in Parvati’s bed, the last night of their summer vacation. They were starting Hogwarts tomorrow, and Padma had been feeling too nervous to sleep, so she had snuck into her twin’s bedroom for the night.

They had turned off the light and stopped talking almost an hour ago, but neither of them had fallen asleep. And without even looking at each other, they knew the other was also wide awake. So Padma had decided to voice her biggest fear about the next day.

“Why wouldn’t we be together?” replied Parvati, turning onto her back. “There are two other sets of twins at Hogwarts right now, and they’re in the same house. We’ll be the same, no?”

“Yeah, I guess…” Padma replied. “It’s just… I don’t know, we’ve been together our whole life, just the two of us. It would be weird if we had to separate in school.”

Parvati bit her lip, hesitating, then decided to plunge ahead.

“Well, would that be the worst thing?” When she felt her sister tense up next to her, she kept talking in a hurry. “I mean, we’d still be in the same school, we could still see each other all the time, nothing would change for that, but I don’t know, it might be interesting to live differently sometimes, don’t you think?”

Padma stayed silent, and Parvati’s unease grew. After a moment, her hand found her sister’s underneath the covers and she squeezed it.

“But I’m sure it won’t happen. Why wouldn’t we stay together?”

“Right,” Padma replied after a beat. “Won’t happen.”

When Parvati felt Padma drift into sleep next to her, she turned on her side, her back to her sister and her eyes still wide open. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to be with Padma anymore-quite the contrary, she adored her sister and couldn’t imagine life without her-, but all she had said was true. She would love to be just Parvati, for a change, and not one half of a set.

All their life, Parvati and Padma had been called two of a kind. Their whole family-and they were Indian, there was a lot of it!-treated them as two halves of a whole, buying them matching clothes, matching dolls, matching furniture. Their bedrooms had always been literally mirror images of each other.

So Parvati had seen their upcoming Sorting as an opportunity to show the Patils that she and Padma were two different people. Unique. One of a kind. She didn’t relish the idea of not being with her sister all the time anymore, but if that was what it took, she would grin and bear it.

Eventually, as she finally drifted towards sleep, she told herself that it wasn’t up to her, anyways. The Sorting Hat would have the final say. Her fate was in its mind.



As soon as Professor McGonagall lifted the hat from her head, Parvati turned to the Ravenclaw table, where her sister had just sat down with her new housemates. She sent Padma a tentative smile and, after an instant, her sister responded with a grin and gave her two thumbs up.

So it was with a wide smile on her face that Parvati joined the clapping and cheering red and gold table.

Elise | Ravenclaw | 18 pts

character: padma patil, creator: ellinou, rating: g, !saturday special, genre: gen, character: parvati patil

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