Title: It was worth a try
Summary: Salazar Slytherin tries to teach Parseltongue to his students
Characters/Pairings: Salazar Slytherin
Genre: gen
Beta: none
Rating/Warnings: G
Medium: fic
Word Count: 170
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: yes
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It was the third year Hogwarts was in session and Salazar Slytherin had a great idea. He had realized that snakes did not speak in English or Latin, but rather a language of their own that he naturally understood. Salazar decided it would be a great idea if his house could use this snake language to communicate amongst themselves without being overheard.
So the next Monday morning Salazar decided to begin with "snake language" lessons. Unfortunately, only three or four of the students seemed to understand anything Salazar was hissing, and only one of them - Salazar's niece - was able to make herself understood to the python on Salazar's desk. He asked her to stay after class, and it turned out she had always been able to speak to snakes. As it became apparent that this language was a hereditary ability (not teachable), Salazar realized that the only way to be able to communicate with his entire house in snake langauge would be to only accept his relatives into the house!
William//Slytherin//6 points [10 points for MLA]