Fic/Art Bingo!

May 05, 2017 10:00

Banner by renrenren3

Hello everyone! I hope you're as excited about this new term than I am! To kick things off, we're going to have monthly thematic bingo challenges this term! We've had them before, but it's been a while since the last time. I have fond memories of the term 29 Fic/Art Bingo, since back then I was a newly sorted Puff and I felt it was a great way to get hang on things in HiH. I hope everyone enjoys bingo this time around as well.

And yes, I'm shamelessly borrowing this from Evy, because why fix something that is not broken ;)

Here's what you'll do:

1. Select a (randomized) Bingo Card, save the URL, and post it as a comment below: WRITING CHALLENGES | ART CHALLENGES

2. Find the corresponding challenges. While the bingo cards say Writing and Art, you can pick up an Art challenge and mix and match it with any number that matches any of the other categories that exist (as long as there's a matching number you're fine!). There are a few numbers under Fic that don't correspond to any challenges, so go ahead and just replace them with any other number that does not already exist in your card. Just let me know. I'm not going to be too strict about this-- it's all for fun!

3. Complete a row of challenges within a month. These have to be things you write and post to SQ this month only. You only need to complete a row! Horizontal, diagonal, vertical, and the Free Square is free, so you can do four or five. Edit your comment with the challenges as you complete them.

4. PROFIT A SENSE OF SELF-SATISFACTION AND COMPLETION. Congratulations! You've shaken off that writing/drawing rust! I'll be giving out an extra 5pts for the month from my own vault at the end of the month to anyone who has completed a row (but don't forget-- ALL challenges have extra points once you do them!), and a shiny to everyone who participates.

Comments or questions let me know! And have fun!

!mod post, !special term event

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