Apr 23, 2017 22:11

Title: You've Saved My Life
Summary: Gift for flipflop_diva using her prompt, 'Character A is really struggling with (depression / ptsd / something) and character B ends up helping them (maybe despite themselves'. Harry is struggling with flashbacks from the war, but his girlfriend Luna helps support him through it.
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Luna
Genre: Romance
Beta: N/A
Rating/Warnings: PG - flashbacks and mental health/PTSD etc.
Medium: Ficlet
Word Count: 537
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: Yes
If yes, your Tumblr username: None

Harry was surrounded by them. Death Eaters, in every available space, closing in on him. The Dark Lord was getting closer; his time was almost up. Silently, he screamed out for his late mother, his friends, anyone, to come and help him, but nobody came. He put a hand to his forehead, his scar burning, blinding pain enveloping him. Suddenly, there was a white flash, and everything was numb, empty, gone.

‘Harry…’ a familiar and distance voice was echoing into the white space. ‘Harry… can you hear me? Harry?’ Slowly, Harry began to stir. Where was he? He couldn’t quite remember. ‘You passed out again, Harry, love’, a comforting voice explained. Harry blinked, his eyes adjusting to the bright lights of his living room. And there was Luna, pale, transparently white hair framing her exquisitely beautiful face, a worried smile upon her lips.

‘Luna, Luna, I don’t know why it keeps happening…’ Harry started, a frustrated tear falling from his left eye. For months now, Harry had been having severe flashbacks to the war, and he didn’t know what had caused it. Luna and Harry had been together for a while now, and it had flown by so quickly, he hadn’t had time to slow down and think about his feelings on the war. But something had set off these flashbacks - it was coming up on the 3 year anniversary of Voldemort’s death after all, and no matter how much time passed, Harry still had a hard time believing he was finally gone, that he wasn’t coming back this time.

‘Harry, it’s going to be okay’, whispered Luna, as she stroked his forehead gently, and offered him a sip of water. ‘I’m here now. We’re going to get through this together, you know.’ Luna was so loving and gentle. Sometimes her patience seemed endless. She’d never once got annoyed with Harry for the flashbacks or physical feelings of anxiety. ‘Sit up, slowly now,’ Luna instructed. They’d been working on some breathing exercises together, that Luna had learned about on a mental health course she’d taken. Harry wasn’t sure if it was helping, but at this point, he was willing to try anything to stop the flashbacks from happening. ‘Close your eyes,’ instructed Luna, and she began to talk him through his movements and breathing.

After a few moments of concentrating on his breath, Harry felt his heart rate slowing down slightly. Clearing his mind of all thoughts, he allowed the calm to wash over him, and when he opened his eyes again and saw his girlfriend, a hopeful feeling washed over him. ‘Is it going to be okay, do you think? Do you suppose they’ll stop soon?’ asked Harry.

‘I don’t know love. I think we should see about getting you some professional help, perhaps. But you do seem to be feeling better.’

‘I love you, you know. You’ve saved my life’, Harry told his girlfriend, in earnest. ‘You’ve saved mine too, Harry. I don’t know where I’d be without you.’ Gently, Luna leaned forward and kissed her boyfriend, to which he responded, kissing her more passionately, and they fell into a rhythmic motion, all thoughts of the afternoon’s events gone from their minds in that moment.


character: luna lovegood, creator: narcissaunicorn, !special term event, rating: pg, form: ficlet, *tumblr allowed, character: harry potter, genre: romance

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