Drabble, no challenge: Dirt.

Apr 03, 2017 15:36

Title: Dirt
Summary: Snape's mother hides her magic as if it were dirt so he does the same.
Characters/Pairings: Severus Snape, mentions of Lily.
Genre: Angst
Beta: n/a
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 364
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: sure
If yes, your Tumblr username: amindmadeofwordsandsilence

Your mother keeps her magic hidden as if it were dirt and (because looking at her won't gain you a beating you) watch her and you do the same.

You love it, though. The dirt. The magic. And maybe that's because there's something wrong with you. You know there's something wrong with you.

Hidden, unseen you explore that dirt inside you and your fingers can move the world without touching it and you think it is the greatest thing in the universe. But you hide it. It's still dirt, after all.

You turn to your mother because there is noone else and sometimes when she talks about hogwarts there's a light in her eyes that makes her look younger and less miserable. But sometimes there's bitterness instead, as if her magic had died there, with her memories and you have nightmares about losing your dirt.

You pay attention, you learn. You have you and sometimes your mother but one day your father will take her away.

And then there's Lily, whose magic isn't dirt, whose smile teaches you to smile too. Her magic is light and warm and every single thing from the universe that is good and that you have been taught that you don't deserve.

Hogwarts is a promise, Hogwarts is the place where you won't hide. You smile like an idiot and daydream about a future that is an escape. You allow yourself to be carry by a sort of greatness that contradicts the way you don't fill your own clothes.

Staying at your house is a prison sentence about to end. Hogwarts is your true place. Hogwarts is your home and you are foolish and naïve and actually think you could be happy.

So you leave your bruises and your fears in the place that saw you grow and saw you cry.

They follow you.

You realise too late what an idiot you've been. And Lily has a sea of people with magic in them and you could have never ever competed with that.

You hear your father's voice in Potter's laughter and soon enough you are in the ground, tasting your bitterness and your failure. Tasting your magic. Dirt.


creator: sickle_girl, form: drabble, rating: g, character: severus snape

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