2 Poetry challenges 1 General Art Challenge + poem (no challenge)

Mar 17, 2017 15:14

Title: The Alley of everything
Summary: Poetry Challenge 14. Knockturn Alley
Genre: gen
Word Count: 129 (4pts)
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: sure
If yes, your Tumblr username: amindmadeofwordsandsilence

come here
lose yourself
in our endless labyrinth
we have all those wonderful things
you can never say you want

and you say your will is strong
but your flesh is so, so weak
and that's okay with us
we are here for you

what they don't give you
what you have always wanted to be

we have
a sea of potions
an ocean of poisons
picks yours.

we are
the path of the lost
the shadow over those
who have been hurt by light

our corridors are just as dark
as your desires

so come and buy
what they told you it can't be sold
we'll hide your name
and bury your secret
for a good price

life is not fair
so why should be you?

Title: The invisible war
Summary: Poetry challenge 57. a muggle point of view of what's happening during the last book
Characters/Pairings: unnamed muggle
Genre: angst
Word Count: 278 (9 pts)
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: sure
If yes, your Tumblr username: amindmadeofwordsandsilence

the world is breaking
in every sunrise
in every sunset

the night screams
within its silence
the wounds, the pain
of a bunch of names
we will never hear
the darkness is covered
by the terror of faces
we will never see

we keep our eyes on the floor
and avoid the skull in the sky
one day it'll come for us
but today we don' want to see
its poisonous snake slither
within the stars
that haven’t died yet

we wake up
and what little sunshine is left
highligths the world's new cracks
maybe I'll fall next.

The television
shows glimpses
of a world falling appart
but they say nothing
they hide everything

we walk the paths we have always walked
until the ground shakes
until the bridges crumble
and we fall down
in the black holes no one explains

people die and go missing
and the air is mist
and the fog harbors the invisible monsters
that eat away
whatever warmth is left
in these frozen evenings
a bit of happiness today
a bit of soul tomorrow
and the cracks on the floor
are the mirror of our unseen wounds
we are bleeding
without knowing where

we are scared
we are blind
and the shadows seem to whisper
seem to know
but they can fool you
and maybe it is all just a trap
a gate to darkness

so we walk like we have always done
dragging our bones
with the will of the empty
of future corpses that roam
a restless battlefield
for there is an invisible war
that has listed us not as soldiers
but as piled names
in an anonymous cemetery

Title: Eyes of a child
Summary: General Art challenge 21
Characters/Pairings: Luna Lovegood.
Medium: traditional
Word Count:
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: No, thank you.
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Title: You can't mourn those who are still alive
Summary: Neville thinks about his parents
Characters/Pairings: Neville Longbottom
Genre: Angst.
Word Count: 253 (8 pts)
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: sure
If yes, your Tumblr username: amindmadeofwordsandsilence

they breathe
and you tell yourself they are alive
sometimes you believe it

there is no monument for them
and no graves
their names are buried
in a hospital wing
they will never leave

you can't mourn them
because there is air in their lungs
and their eyes move
and stare at you
but you no longer wonder
if they can see you

flowers on mother's day sound nice
but you might as well
leave them in a tombstone
they will wither just as fast

you can't mourn them
but you cry for them
when your grandmother's eyes can't see you
and there is silence and absence
and the empty chairs at your birthday party
should be filled by them

they are alive
and you see them
you can touch them
and say they are real
say they are there
but not for you

time passes
the wound sinks deeper
and you expect less and less
but still something
a glimpse,
a lie
a trace of nothingness
you can deconstruct
and quietly
and shamed of yourself
think as a gesture of love
even though it isn't

resignation makes a way under your skin
it dims but never vanishes
you can move,
you can walk
you can even smile
but sometimes it gets big and heavy
laces up your legs
and makes you stumble and fall
so you won't ever forget it's there
and some nights you still wonder
what it must be like
saying 'mom' and 'dad'
and hearing 'yes, son?'

Noelia | Ravenclaw | 46 points (3 challenges + elaborated sketch + 21 points in word account)

character: luna lovegood, form: poetry, creator: sickle_girl, *challenge, rating: g, form: art, *tumblr allowed, character: neville longbottom

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