Fic: Late for Potions Class

Mar 12, 2017 00:10

Title: Late for Potions Class
Summary: Parvati and Hermione are late for Potions class, and end up sharing a moment. Created for rarepair_shorts using the prompt 'the residue of Monday'.
Characters/Pairings: Parvati/Hermione
Genre: Romance
Beta: N/A
Rating/Warnings: PG-13
Medium: Ficlet
Word Count: 568
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Tuesday was Parvati’s least favourite day of the week. She could always feel the residue of Monday hanging in the air, as she realised that she wasn’t even halfway through the week yet. Wednesday was always all right, because she knew she was halfway there, but Tuesday was just miserable.

This particular Tuesday felt all wrong. She was running late to Professor Snape’s class, as she’d left her Potions book in the Gryffindor common room, and she’d made the mistake of thinking she had time to rush back before class started. Unfortunately, Parvati had bumped into the Weasley twins in the hallway, goofing off, and they’d held her up for way too long making jokes and doing some (admittedly hilarious) impressions of professors. Now she was only just arriving back at the common room, and it was time for class to start. As Parvati rushed over to her bedside, she collided head-on with Hermione Granger, tripping slightly, and sending the pretty brunette’s paperwork flying across the room.

Struggling to regain her footing, Parvati straightened up, cautiously put one hand to her hair, and said, ‘Oh, excuse me, Hermione, I’m running really late.’

Hermione had a frantic look in her eyes as she looked up at Parvati. ‘Can’t you look where you’re going, Parvati? Some of us have classes to attend!’

‘It’s not like you to be late for class, Hermione. Is everything alright?’ Parvati asked, in a soft tone. She was already late, so there was no point rushing away, when Hermione clearly needed a little extra support.

Hermione glanced cautiously at Parvati. Parvati knew the clever brunette had always perceived her as a silly girl, only interested in fashion and gossip, but she couldn’t pretend she didn’t respect Hermione. Within a moment, Parvati noticed Hermione relax her gaze, as she’d clearly realised Parvati meant no harm.

‘Oh, it’s just awful,’ Hermione replied, looking almost on the verge of tears. ‘I’d written my paper for History of Magic, and left it next to the bedside, but some clumsy student has spilled ink all over it, and it’s just ruined! Hermione held up the papers, coated in blue stains. ‘Professor Binns is going to think I haven’t written it, and I’m already late for Potions now! I’m definitely going to fail, and maybe get expelled!’

Parvati couldn’t conceal the little smile that spread across her face. Hermione worried far too much.

‘Oh that paper? I hadn’t bothered writing it yet. Isn’t it due next week?’ Hermione looked surprised. ‘And as for Potions…’ the dark-haired girl continued, ‘Well, we’re already late, aren’t we? Might as well be very late.’ Parvati grinned wickedly, ‘Fancy having some fun?’

Hermione twiddled her hair. She wasn’t sure what Parvati’s kind of fun entailed, but from the way the beautiful girl was looking at her, she was certain she was going to find out. ‘I don’t know Parvati. Won’t we get into trouble?’ asked Hermione, hesitating slightly.

‘You’re always worrying about getting into trouble. It’s time to stop worrying,’ said Parvati, taking the other girl by the hand. Hermione blushed crimson at her touch.

Parvati pulled Hermione gently towards her, until their bodies were just touching. Then, moving her hand away from Hermione’s, she stroked the other girl’s cheek. Hermione didn’t move away. Parvati wondered for a second if this was really happening, and then, before she had time to wonder anymore, Hermione kissed her.

19 points for Slytherin

rating: pg-13, *needs new tag, character: hermione granger, character: parvati patil, genre: romance, form: fic

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