Traditions and tears unshed (March 1.0 Challenge Ficlet)

Mar 05, 2017 02:02

Title: Traditions and tears unshed
Summary: After all they've been through, all they've survived, he still surprises her.
Characters/Pairings: Hannah Abbott & Seamus Finnegan
Genre: friendship, romance?
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 509
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: no

Seamus holds the present out to her with a grin more gentle and warm than his regular smirk. Hannah smiles back warmly, but her expression changes to one of confusion as she takes it. "What on earth?"

The package is alarmingly heavy, and she almost drops it in her surprise. She recovers just in time, and hears him chuckle.

The ivory wrapping paper is lovely, with an intricate pattern of knotwork that she has come to recognize as Celtic. The pattern is more delicate than the knots of his tattoos, embossed in braided lines across the paper so that she can feel the interlaced design as well as see it. She rubs her thumb across the design, admiring the texture, and wonders what it means. She knows better than to ask.

She turns the package over in her hands. From inside, she hears a soft clunk as whatever is inside shifts its weight inside the box.

"Open it."

His eyes are eager, crinkled with happiness at the corners, and today there's hardly a trace of all the times they've grieved together. Today, there is no room for tears.

She reaches out for his hand, smiling fiercely as she fights back the swell of emotion. "Thank you, Seamus."

"But you haven't opened it yet."

His hand is warm in hers, fingers calloused and rough with the work they've done. The battles they've fought. She squeezes his hand once, quickly, and lets go.

It takes a moment to compose herself, but he seems to understand. At Hogwarts, he would've filled the moment with a joke, but he's grown comfortable with silence over the years. She stares out across the lake, towards the small building at the top of the hill.

Finally, she turns her attention to the strangely heavy package. The bow is a translucent blue, and comes apart with a gentle tug. She runs her finger along the folded edge of the paper, loosening the sticking charm as she goes.

"Come on, already. Just do it." He's laughing openly now, and she blushes.

But it's good to hear him laugh, and the sound chases away the ghost of sadness. She unwraps it with agonizing slowness, smiling as he groans with exaggerated frustration. Until, at last, the paper falls away to reveal a shape of cold iron. Hannah stares at it, trying to make sense of the strange present.

"It's a horseshoe," he says.

"I know what a horseshoe is, Seamus," she says. "But why?"

"It's traditional." He looks out over the water as he explains, his gaze distant. A breeze ripples across the water, bringing with it the taste of coolness and the sound of bells. "You hang it over a doorway, and it collects good luck for as long as you have a home together."

He meets her eyes then, intense and serious. "I wanted you to have it."

"Of course, thank you." She hugs him, holding him close enough to catch his wild scent. "It's perfect." She slips her arm through his as they turn towards the chapel.

Kimberly/Slytherin/17 points for Slytherin

character: hannah abbott, rating: g, creator: et_tu_lj, genre: gen, character: seamus finnigan, form: ficlet, !saturday special, *needs new tag, genre: romance

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