Drabble, no challenge

Mar 02, 2017 01:12

Title: (None of) the faces on the walls (is mine)
Summary: Harry notices that there are not pictures of him at the place he lives.
Characters/Pairings: Harry Potter
Genre: Gen
Rating/Warnings: G
Word Count: 274
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: sure
If yes, your Tumblr username: amindmadeofwordsandsilence

There are no photographs of him, Harry notices one day. He’s not at the Dursleys, calling that place home feels wrong somehow, but he doesn’t need to be there to check.

He has spent a lifetime staring at the figures in the portraits at 4 Privet Drive. The figures have barely changed through the years, changed outfits, grown taller, grown older but the faces have always been the same and never his.

He is at a classmate’s house for a school project. His classmate, out of mandatory courtesy, is in the kitchen grabbing something to bite, and Harry is alone in a living room that is not the living room he walks every day but which has the same amount of pictures of him. Zero.
There is an unexplainable knot in his head. That house has never been his. He doesn’t belong there. He is not wanted there. The Dursleys had always been clear about that.

But there is something about realising how unusual it is for a house not to have pictures of those living in it. It’s just a paper, Harry tells himself, a framed, frozen, sometimes forced smile. A proof of existence.

He hides whatever this feeling is before his classmate is back. The other boy is nicer here at school, without the peer pressure of bullying or ignoring Harry, and Harry accepts any show of kindness with a grade of precautioun and cynicism that tires his ten year old body.
He glances at the pictures on the wall, notices the one with just the dog of the family, and tries not to think about Privet Drive and his place in it.

9 points

creator: sickle_girl, form: drabble, rating: g, character: harry potter

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