Annnoucement: Fic/Art Exchange Term 37 Edition -- Rules, Schedule & Signups

Feb 13, 2017 12:14

banner made by renrenren

The Rules:
► You must sign up in order to participate.
► If it looks like I can't match you with someone else, I will ask you to revise your signup.
► Please keep your assignment a secret until you post so that there can be some measure of surprise.
► All posts must have the !special term event tag.
► All posts must include the username for the giftee outside the cut.
► If you need to drop out, please email the SQ mod at with the subject line “DROPOUT - your username”
► You must create at least one fanwork for your giftee. You are allowed to create multiple gifts as you want, but please keep it all in one post.
► Points will count towards your weekly total and thus cannot exceed 125 points. However, if you do exceed the weekly limit, I can counts the remaining points toward a different week in April, providing that you have not maxed out for any of those weeks and have enough wiggle room for additional points.
► Requirements for this exchange is Fic: minimum 500 words & Art: Finished Quality.
► Gifts for giftees whose gifters had to drop out will be offered up to pinch hitters.
► This will not be an anonymous exchange. You will post your works to the community
► Have fun!

Signups: Now until Sunday, February 19 @ 23:59 UTC Extended until Wednesday, February 22 @ 23:59 UTC
Assignments Out By: Tuesday, February 21 Friday, February 24
Fanworks Due Date: Sunday, April 16 @ 23:59 UTC
Pinch-hitter Due Date: Saturday, April 22 @ 23:59 UTC
Posting Dates: Monday, April 24 - Friday, April 28

Fill out the text box below to sign-up for the exchange.

General Info
Prefer method of contact: Email (leave your email address), PM, Tumblr PM (leave your tumblr username)

Preferred Posting Date & Pinch-hitters
Posting date: Please list at least three dates. 4-24, 4-25, 4-26, 4-27, 4-28
Pinch-hit: Y/N, Please let me know if you want to pinch-hit only
In regards to pinch-hitting, do you have anything you'd rather not make?:

Receive (What I want to get)
Fic or Art?
Characters/Pairings you'd like to receive:
Situations, genres, kinks, squicks etc. that you would like to see:
Characters/pairings you DO NOT want to receive:
Situations, genres, kinks, squicks etc. that you WOULD NOT like to see:
Desired Rating of your Gift (G to NC-17 or no preference):
Prompts (Optional):

Give (What I want to create)
Fic or Art?
Highest Rating you're willing to write/draw:
Characters or pairings you would be comfortable writing/drawing:
Situations, genres, kinks etc. that you would like to write/draw:
Characters or pairings you're NOT comfortable writing/drawing:
Situations, genres, kinks etc. that you would NOT like to write/draw:
Desired Rating you would be comfortable writing/drawing (G to NC-17 or no preference):

Pimp the Exchange!" border="0" alt=" photo sq-fest.png"/>
banner made by renrenren

is hosting a Harry Potter themed fic/art exchange.">Rules, Schedule & Signups.
We'd love to have you">join us!

!mod post, !special term event

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