Poetry Challenge #06

Feb 05, 2017 17:51

Title: Come and find us (before we find you)
Summary: Fantastic Beasts poems (x4)
Characters/Pairings: dementors, merpeople, phoenix and inferi
Genre: poetry
Rating/Warnings: gen
Word Count: less than 30 each
Can the Order post to Tumblr?: sure
If yes, your Tumblr username: amindmadeofwordsandsilence

We devour and trade
endless tempests for your sun
a kiss for your soul.

Hear our song and sink
your sorrow, your bones, your skin
melt in the water.

I die at midnight
braced by my fire, turn to ashes
and rise by sunrise.

Long live the puppets
alive once dead forever
restless, souless voids.

Noelia/Ravenclaw/ (4 haikus x 5) 20 points.

form: poetry, creator: sickle_girl, *challenge, rating: g

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